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davereimer boosted

This is why we started DingDash.
In fact our new tag line is going to be:
DingDash - because we didn't help the Taliban kill people.

davereimer boosted

If you shop on Amazon, you can use Amazon Smile and select "Back To Jerusalem" as your charity to receive a small donation from your purchases.

davereimer boosted

Here in ancient Babylon, it hits me why the Tower of Babel NOT ONLY went against God's first command, BUT was a pre-emptive strike against the Great Commission.

davereimer boosted

A senior friend of ours, in his late eighties, lived in a foreign country half his life.

Led 100's of children to Christ, equipped the local leadership.
Married to his ministry never thought about retirement.

Remember him in your prayers.

davereimer boosted

This could also be Sweden (the polite version) vs Finland. I hope you don't understand the cussing. 🙊 But this makes me laugh anyway... The Finnish language sounds harsh and straightforward, and there is a lack of polite words like "please". It's not only the language, but even the mentality. But a Finn transformed by God has a lot of useful "sisu" ("described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness...")

davereimer boosted

Do you think the cultural war against gender is new?
NO! the Communist Party in China launched massive campaigns saying that there were NO differences between men and women in the 1950s. It was ALL just a social construct of the male patriarchy.
Sound familiar?
When this ideology was embraced in China, the results were deadly

davereimer boosted

@sinbach Eugene Bach is a Christian and former Marine sniper. (You know him, Ding-Dash family!) This militant description might seem like a contradiction to many Christians, but should it? Eugene joins me on this week's podcast to share about the fight that every man should have within himself.

davereimer boosted

Here are the 26 teens, age 13-15 in our safe house in PK praying. They thank all intercessors for your prayers and thank our CMM Partners who sowed into our Rapid Response fund to free them from slavery. There are more awaiting rescue.

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As for me:
I'll make room for ONE - You only Jesus. You're all that matters to me. Not I, but Christ.

davereimer boosted

Member of the Belgian Parliament declares war against against Islamic oppression of women
Hijab demonises the female body & philosophy behind it doesn’t recognise freedom for women
Millions of women are fighting to throw it off, at the risk of their lives, in order to regain their freedom and dignity

davereimer boosted

Jesus never asks you to do something that He is not willing to do Himself. After all, Jesus said that He is “with us always, even to the end of the age.”

Always means always.

God told the Israelites that He “humbled them” and “tested them” in the wilderness by letting them go hungry and then feeding them mana from heaven that He might make them understand that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Does this seem like harsh parenting?

Consider that Jesus also went into the desert while fasting (Matthew chapter 4). Jesus also went hungry and lived on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

True leaders lead through example and sacrifice. True leaders share in the sufferings of the people they seek to lead. Thank God that He is Jesus, the Lord of all and the servant of all.

davereimer boosted

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Has pain and sorrow surrounded you? Lean on Jesus! Are you struggling from day to day? Come unto Jesus Christ! God so loved you that He gave His Son for you! Jesus is the answer!

davereimer boosted

I just need to brag on the most wonderful nation of Sweden!
I didn't need a covid test to board the flight to Sweden. I didn't need proof of vaccine. I was allowed to take off my mask upon arrival.
Regardless of your views, I fly almost every week and have easily spent between $12-15,000 USD on covid tests and it has been a nightmare.
What a joy and absolute privilege to travel to Sweden!
Love this country!

davereimer boosted

Did you see that North Korea lobbed up a couple of missiles? Few people noticed and that is a problem.

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davereimer boosted

ladies and gentlemen, winter is coming. the time will be soon approaching when the US Presidential election will be upon us again. when it is, be prepared for social media to take control like never before.
Tell your friends, DingDash will be there. Open. Free. Unafraid and sharing the Light of God.

davereimer boosted

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Where sorrows abound the love of God is greater! For God so loved you that He gave His Son to die in your place! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is Hope for you and His Grace is sufficient!

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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! God will never leave nor forsake those that put their trust in Jesus Christ! Have you put your trust in Jesus yet? Turn to Christ and confess your sins and He will give you the victory today!

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