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davereimer boosted

Christian decision making is Christian ethics. Our best choice in life is to worship our creator and give Him glory. This is our ultimate purpose in life. It is also the most fulfilling.

davereimer boosted

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you discouraged? Is your life wasted in sin? There is Jesus! There is still Hope for you today! God’s mercies are new this morning and God’s Grace is sufficient for you!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

I found a group of people who meet every other week in a park about 30min from my home to openly worship Christ in prayer and song, apart from "sterile" Church environment.
They are very imperfect, can't really sing, don't even do Bible studies, just read a verse or two. YET it was a great honour to openly proclaim Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and King in a fear-struck world.
Hey, and to give Brothers and Sisters a hug again. I almost forgot how good that is. :)


davereimer boosted

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There is forgiveness of sin, there is Hope for the discouraged in Christ alone! There is still Hope for you today, put your trust in Jesus Christ! Christ is only a prayer away! Come unto Jesus!

davereimer boosted

A California ANTIFA teacher with Mao Zedong poster busted brainwashing children. Here is what Christian parents can learn from China.

davereimer boosted

It is one of our greatest sins that we regularly allow church to be boring. Boredom in church does not reflect the quality of Jesus. Jesus is not boring.

Music is amazing but it can be VERY boring. The difference in effort and passion. When a musician is passionate about his/her music, and when they work hard at it, the results are truly wonderful!

If we would put as much effort into our scripture reading, worship leading, preaching, and praying, as Eric Clapton puts into guitar playing, we will never be bored in Church again.

davereimer boosted

We are on one of our biggest adventures right now. can't say much about it but would appreciate your prayers.

davereimer boosted

Lord help me to be childlike,not childish😀

davereimer boosted

Difference between North American hospitals and Chinese:
1. No triage system
2. Bathrooms offer no toilet paper.
3. Bathrooms have cold water only. If it works.
4. No soap. 😖 No hand sanitizer. No paper towels.
7. No western toilets. Only acrid smelling squat toilets.
9. Family drives the beds, take the temp, hold IV bags up in the air when the IV poles are all in use etc
11.You get all your results within the hour
12. Most times you see the specialist Doctor that same hour if you need one.
13. Hygiene with staff is 20 years behind.
14. There are no wheelchairs in the emergency department
15. They burn incense in the bathrooms.
16. You have to pay for everything before you get it. For example before you have IV or oxygen you need to buy the needle, the tourniquet band, the lines, the IV bags, the med and oxygen and mask. Then upon receipt you get the use.
18. AND NO PRIVACY AT ALL.about 8 people all group together, watchand listen to learn what’s wrong with one another

davereimer boosted

I decided to get back on Facebook. Here's how the first few days went:

This platform is toxic.
I left FB earlier this year after my third ban- for sharing information that was 100% accurate. I'm an underdog. I despise bullying, and couldn't stand what the people running this platform were doing.
After staying away several months I opened a new account last week because I started an online business, thinking if I played it safe I could advertise here and reach more people.
My very first boost was of a shirt with a cross on it, with the words "Because He loved us". That's it- and Facebook restricted it.
Why would a legitimate platform feel the need to restrict an advertisement of a T shirt with a cross on it? Because my website contains information you don't approve of? What business is that of yours?!
The only logical explanation I can conclude is facebook has given itself over to the agenda of the beast #666.
For those of you who don't have the Holy Spirit or understand the prophecy

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davereimer boosted

What happens when you have one of the fastest growing mega churches in the US and God tells you to adopt the house church model shortly after a visit by Brother Yun?
My good friend Pastor Chris Galanos joins our podcast to share how his church went from Megachurch to Multiplication.

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davereimer boosted

Why have 65 million left Christianity in the last 3 decades? Why does Gen Z have twice as many atheist as any other generation? Why are Christians fearful, lacking faith and full of anxiety? Would it suprise you to know that a massive amount of people who attend church in America are not Christians? Is it the seeker sensitive way of doing church that has caused this? Would it surprise you to know that the average American who attends the average church each Sunday never hears the gospel preached? Why is that? How can we reach Gen Z? How can we see America turned around? What if it is much less about trying to be relavant that matters and much more about being Biblical? Watch this and find out?

davereimer boosted

Taking pictures at sunset close to our home. A beautiful field of sunflowers. My son taught me that they face east - and these actually do! He's learnt it from Minecraft... that strange game with big pixels is teaching him lots of things, not to mention English vocabulary. He is studying English his fourth year in school, and he understands more than I did his age (13).

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Another week is slipping by, have you given your heart to Christ? Time waits for no one, today is the day of Salvation! Walk in the Light while it is yet day, for the night is coming. There is Hope for you!

davereimer boosted

Someone shared this video here on Ding Dash and I am re-sharing in addition to boosting his ding, in hopes that more of God's people will be blessed and encouraged by what it contains. Keep pressing on, brothers and sisters. Jesus is Lord of all!

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