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Eric G boosted

This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

Google was created by the CIA "for the precise purpose of utilizing the technology as a mechanism to fight global ‘information war’"

Eric G boosted

Mark Tross - Home - PLEASE Checkout my New & Condensed Website & Pass It Along to Others :)

@Cristi_12 Thank you for reporting this account. It has been removed.

Eric G boosted

So wait, you're telling me they hyped up the numbers to induce mass hysteria and compliance?? Yep👇

On the backside of the desert near Horeb is where GOD found Moses faithful in the small things of every day life. Moses was a faithful husband, father, and shepherd day in and day out for 40 years before GOD tapped him on the shoulder to lead his flock out of Egypt! He was 80 years old.
Are you being faithful in the small things? Life may seem repetitious, sometimes frivolous or meaningless, but know ,Father GOD in heaven sees you. So glorify Him by remaining faithful with whatever you've been given! God Bless you.

Eric G boosted

The sheep that are the safest from the wolves are the ones that stay nearest to the Shepherd.

@Kruselady Yesterday was the first time I heard of him from Jovan Pulitzer.

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