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Eric G boosted

As a parent, I know that it is difficult to see your child suffer. I have worked with the persecuted church for over 20 years and know how much harder it is for Christians to see the authorities come after their children than after themselves.
This is why we started the BTJ Martyr Scholarship fund.
I have two kids in college and I know the kind of unexplainable excitement a scholarship can bring to a family. One of my favorite things to do in life these days is to see the tuition of a child of a persecuted family get their tuition paid for!
Nothing Like it!

Eric G boosted

How North Korea deliberately starves its people. Starving makes the mind incapable of rational thought.

You text messages will be read and fact-checked now, but at least Trump isn't tweeting hurtful things anymore.

Where's the CNN / MSNBC death count ticker for Covid vaccine deaths and injuries on their programs?

The vaccines have claimed 6,985 across the US and 411,911 adverse reactions were reported - Now a Top 50 cause of death in the country. VAERS deaths are typically under-reported too

Eric G boosted

Shawn Feucht is doing some beautiful work. Keep it going, Brother!

I'll be joining President Trump's class action lawsuit against big tech. He's suing Facebook, Twitter, and Google CEOs.

Eric G boosted

@Hinerodney praise God- He never gives up on us.
Jesus walked through the valley with you and created a new man with a new heart to serve so many. God bless your family for standing strong and seeing the goodness in you.

Eric G boosted

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a human being, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not make it happen? Numbers 23:19 NET

Be encouraged!
3 minute devotial 16/6/2021:

Eric G boosted

I’m starting in on a book about another of the fathers of our faith. I’m familiar with Spurgeon’s name but I know nothing of him directly. I look forward to sharing what I learn about and from the man.
I plan on journalling my discovery of Spurgeon on my Telegram channel.
You can follow me here:

Christianity might not always look like you want it to, but the Lord knows those who are His regardless of what we may think.

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