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Eric G boosted

Just added a cool feature to DingDash! If you post over 1000 Dings you get Ninja status! 😁 🥷

When King Saul was tormented by evil spirits, he'd have David come and play his harp because "the Lord was with [David]", then the evil spirits would depart from the king. (1Samuel 16)

The problem was, David eventually would depart from the king as well, and the tormenting spirits would return to King Saul.

We cannot afford to depend on another's anointing, their sacrifice, devotion, or prayer life to make us feel close to GOD.

We must have Him for ourselves! Yes, we must be baptized in His Holy Fire and totally consumed by Him.

"Flies can only land on a cold stove." as Reinhard Bonnke would say

Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted

Here is a great way to use Amazon for your purposes without giving your money to Amazon.

Eric G boosted

@Overcomer @messenjahofchrist Dear God in heaven please continue to expose until every last one of these vile people is accounted for!

Eric G boosted

Please Watch Mike Lindell’s Censored “Absolute Proof”

- Very important to watch and share!

I have no doubt that president Trump won the election with about 80 million Trump votes to about 64 Million Biden votes. There has been an attack on the US by other countries through the voting machines, which switched the election to Mr Biden. Mike Lindell provide us with all evidence. This proof must have consequences. Mr Biden is NOT the president of the US. TRUMP WON!

Eric G boosted

@messenjahofchrist This is deeply disturbing, but God is answering our prayers to expose the darkness so we can heal. 😭🙏

This is so sick and demonic. You may not want to read it all, but this has to be exposed.
This guy was "pro-life" too.
I think this is only the beginning. Bring Justice for our children, LORD.


CDC inflated COVID deaths.
"Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals"

Eric G boosted

My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

Eric G boosted

Pray for our friends in Myanmar and our leader, Dr. David Joy. They are experiencing a coup. Pray for the Lord to shine brighter! From Fox news, the military actually did something due to voter fraud in their November election: "Myawaddy TV, which is controlled by the military, announced the takeover and cited a section of the military-drafted constitution due to-voter fraud in last November's election and its failure to postpone the election because of the coronavirus crisis."

Eric G boosted

My first painting of 2021
To Faith Add - 2 Peter1:5

Eric G boosted

🚨GAME CHANGER🚨 We are sooo very excited about the success of this prototype!
BTJ hackers have been working day and night on this project for several months to put the Gospel into the hands of those living in closed countries and I want to thank ALL of our partners and friends who have been praying over this project.

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