Not sure where to share this great mission idea.
@sinbach Amen brother! I always pray for church inside not those leaving.
@sinbach I'm interested in hearing the podcast. So many real reasons for so many things are not being covered in the "news".
Going to bed, but I just found tomorrow's job is in global news. Unloading railcars.
@Lisa ebook or paper in America
@sinbach When is book releasing? I remember a podcast that was you mentioned late is year.
@sinbach Amen. I love that example. We still need to our small part to accomplish big things for God.
wataya think? a Chinese teacher eats students lunch to teach lesson about wasting food?
@kek184 Are you in right timeline?Globe tab in molbile
@kris In Ontario, we are required to have masks in our county. Singing doesn't go as good and we do less.
@Backtojerusalem could I get Issac's story (Son of the Underground) ? I got The Heavenly Man for answering on Persian question.
@Backtojerusalem double blessing
@sinbach @Backtojerusalem Thanks sent! I have read it. But will be personal book. Interesting story.
@Backtojerusalem Asia
@MDitren We can always start one. On my personal list.