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What happens when you have one of the fastest growing mega churches in the US and God tells you to adopt the house church model shortly after a visit by Brother Yun?
My good friend Pastor Chris Galanos joins our podcast to share how his church went from Megachurch to Multiplication.

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I am HORRIFIED by this story out of Afghanistan! And I don't understand why God let this happen.
At the same time, perhaps He is sowing seed in the soil of this land. Perhaps the blood of His saints will bring forth a mighty Harvest.
In case they are still alive, please pray for these brothers and sisters and orphans to be safe.

Has the Taliban mistakenly opened a back door for underground house church missionaries into Afghanistan? Perhaps so and this is how...

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Return Jesus! Return!
This world is NOT our home.
We CAN complete the Great Commission in our life time! Matthew 24:14

Our NEW BOOK China and End-Time Prophecy is out NOW.
For the first time we dissect the Biblical connection between ancient prophecy and China’s modern missions phenomenon that most Christians are simply not aware of.
If you are hoping that this book predicts the return of Christ by mathematical equations, Nostradamus quotes, or use Mayan prophecies, THIS IS NOT THE BOOK FOR YOU.
However THIS BOOK does clearly show a clear and undeniable connection between the revivals in China, President Xi's ONE BELT ONE ROAD Initiative, the completion of the Great Commission, Biblical prophecy of the Last Days and why the return of Christ is unstoppable.

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@Olamide come quickly Lord Jesus, we long for His coming.

Many people know about the Nazi Concentration camps, but did you know that many of those camps were still used by the Communists after WWII?
Communists have worked hard to keep you from knowing.
In our latest BTJ podcast, book author joins us to share about Russian concentration camp survivor that warns Christians of the dangers of some of the most disturbing trends in the church.

This is where we are. When we do things in our own strength and reject Christ, we do everything bassakwards

How can the life of one little girl touch so many people around the world?
Live interview with Ava Bright Lee's mother. An incredible story of hope, loss, pain, faith, but most of all - love.

After seeing old SAS Flight menus, I am sooo feeling the pain! 😂

Prayer warriors – we need your prayers!
The Taliban is using sophisticated biometric equipment that they have captured from the military, and they are using it to go door-to-door to hunt down Christians.
BTJ is working with our hackers to develop a way to disable this equipment. It is a long shot, but our God is ABLE!
Prayers are desperately needed.

THIS YEAR - The BTJ vision is 100 years old and the Communist Party is 100 years old.
Which one has been been a blessing to the nation of China?

We want to say a BIG thank you to our donors in USA who have blessed us with these donations for our office.

Every Chinese student learns stories from the Bible and they do NOT even know it!

Last day of prep before he starts Air Force ROTC.
This was bitter sweet. I have cut his hair his entire life. This might be my last time cutting his hair. 😭

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