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This week Tymoteusz (Tim) joins the podcast to share about the house church movement in Poland that is bringing about a powerful revival.



Watching Swedish survivor (Robinson 2021) and they are having a human auction.
Now I know I'm an ignorant American, but Is that allowed anymore?
Holy Cow Sweden! 😂

The older I get, the more I LOVE stinky cheeses! 😋

"The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of the them." - Turkish Proverb

I've done a LOT of Bible Smuggling in my life and the question naturally leans to - what can I learn from from the bootleggers of the past.???

Do you think the cultural war against gender is new?
NO! the Communist Party in China launched massive campaigns saying that there were NO differences between men and women in the 1950s. It was ALL just a social construct of the male patriarchy.
Sound familiar?
When this ideology was embraced in China, the results were deadly

Here in ancient Babylon, it hits me why the Tower of Babel NOT ONLY went against God's first command, BUT was a pre-emptive strike against the Great Commission.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Eugene Bach is a Christian and former Marine sniper. (You know him, Ding-Dash family!) This militant description might seem like a contradiction to many Christians, but should it? Eugene joins me on this week's podcast to share about the fight that every man should have within himself.

Sinobach boosted

Thanks to Eugene @sinbach for writing the funniest introduction I've ever read to my new short book "Meat: a brief, Biblical theology"

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach it looks like it has been temporarily held off based on news from today. I hadn't read through the proposed law and was SHOCKED to see that it's requiring all US financial institutions to report ALL bank accounts with more than $600 in them to the Federal Govt. They are compelled to report 100% of inflow and outflow for the year - with the idea of better targeting audits.

WTF man. (wet tiny frogs)

This is why we started DingDash.
In fact our new tag line is going to be:
DingDash - because we didn't help the Taliban kill people.

Did you see that North Korea lobbed up a couple of missiles? Few people noticed and that is a problem.

I just need to brag on the most wonderful nation of Sweden!
I didn't need a covid test to board the flight to Sweden. I didn't need proof of vaccine. I was allowed to take off my mask upon arrival.
Regardless of your views, I fly almost every week and have easily spent between $12-15,000 USD on covid tests and it has been a nightmare.
What a joy and absolute privilege to travel to Sweden!
Love this country!

Sinobach boosted

Sign up at The greatest sign of the 2nd coming of Jesus isn't the evil. It is the gospel of Jesis being preached to the entire world for a witness. We are the first generation that has this goal within our reach. It takes 3o seconds to apply. The Bible school is free for you. It takes 30 seconds to register. The next class is Oct. 11th. Register for the next class - Bible prophecy, as we search the scripture on preparing the bride of Christ for the greatest revival the world has ever seen, the gospel will be preached all over the world, we will all be a part! It takes 30 seconds to register. Do it now before the spots run out at

Congratulations @tanjaostman
I just noticed that you NOW have ninja star status!

Sinobach boosted

This week Bethany from Back to Jerusalem joins the podcast to discuss how we define two of the most important words in Christianity: missionary and believer...and you might be surprised by the conclusion!

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