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Fresh Herring direct from the sea. 😋 mmmmmm.......deeeelish.
Mother nature's vitamin pack.

Amazing food. Irreplaceable friends. Unforgettable memories.
BTJ ambassadors come from all over the world to support the vision of the underground house church and our annual gatherings have forever impacted my life.

Doing our first tour together next month!
The book is coming out on International Women's Day and Mariam Ibraheem's testimony is going to take the church by storm and inspire believers around the world.
Can't wait.

Looking forward to sharing in Sweden today at a church that has been a HUGE supporter for BTJ and has really helped our family in China!

Sinobach boosted

Sabina - The Movie

If this is anything like the first one "Tortured for Christ" it will be epic!

"Dance 🕺 like no one is watching!
BUT write emails and text messages as if they will be read in court one day. "👮🚓

I've been working in Iran for years and thought I'd seen it all, until I saw this torture device that the Islamic government uses on prisoners and children.

Colorado State offers help to anyone "affected by free speech."
This sign offers students 17 resources to help them if they have been affected by free speech.
Universities are treating Free speech as if it is a disease or violence affecting students.
Do not be fooled - the enemy's first attack when he takes over an areas is to stop free speech. Preaching the Gospel and sharing the Word is essential to complete the Great Commission. This is why China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran WILL NOT - CANNOT allow free speech. An attack on free speech is ALWAYS a direct attack on completing the Great Commission, to prolong Satan's time on earth. 😥

Sinobach boosted

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

Out there somewhere is someone showering with a mask on.
I just know it....

When your song comes on - you HAVE to commit!
You may not like the song, but you have to respect the enthusiasm.

Now that's some funny stuff right there - I don't care who you are.

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