We were picking organic strawberries π at a lower cost than buying them picked. Do you have that system in your countries? I have never tasted sweeter strawberries than these Nordic berries. We need to store up vitamins and sunshine for our long, dark winters. π We mashed them and put in the freezer.
@tanjaostman We certainly have it here in the UK
@tanjaostman We do pick them sometimes at a local strawberry farm here in South Carolina
@davereimer great!
@tanjaostman I just picked some of my strawberries today.
I give mine a quick wash then lay them on cookies sheets and put them in the freezer, this way they don't get frozen together. I shrink wrap them or put them in freezer bags this way I can just grab a few if I want for smoothies.
@MaryMamuzich nice! π
@tanjaostman They sound wonderful! God is so good to mix flavor and nutrition in such amazing ways!