
I am so happy that my friend Kat joined DD after I marketed it on FB! She is a wise, deep and humorous Swedish speaking Finnish woman. Welcome @KatRau!

@tanjaostman @KatRau I’ve marketed it on Facebook too but I’ve got no takers. Do you have any hints on how to do it?

@davereimer honestly, I don't know! I've shared about DD several times and she's the first taker! People need to frustrated with FB. Those who only share food and animal pictures don't care... they need to be frustrated with the censorship to search for something better.

@tanjaostman TYSM. I’m learning here 🤗 What does the sign 🙏🏻 (at least looks like sumth similar) mean? I can press both the ❤️ for like and the green 🙏🏻 at the same time.

@KatRau @tanjaostman the prayer hands shares with others - to pray about.

@sinbach @tanjaostman Ok, thx for explaining. And for the welcome 🤗

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