KatRau boosted
KatRau boosted

I've heard Heidi Baker report of do so many beheadings of her friends and miraculous jou in the midst. I heard a testimony of an American woman being shot at in her compound in Sudan, crawling on the ground to not be hit and laughing with the Spirit at the protection.

Give us all this liberation.

KatRau boosted

Asking for prayer for a baby girl who doctors say won't survive the night. Her mother is a teen who was raped by her own father and the baby has many medical problems. Her name is Diana, please pray 🙏

KatRau boosted

Well here we go Canadian church…happening sooner than I expected.🙄 And thanks to our governments announcement today we can’t board an airplane to leave Canada without the vaccine. (Implemented Oct 30)
What do you think about the churches requirement of proof of vaccine to join the body gathering?

KatRau boosted

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