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This is so beautiful, it makes me cry! “Yes. For there was once a man who threw a great dinner party and invited many. When it was time for dinner, he sent out his servant to the invited guests, saying, ‘Come on in; the food’s on the table.’ “Then they all began to beg off, one after another making excuses.../... “The servant went back and told the master what had happened. He was outraged and told the servant, ‘Quickly, get out into the city streets and alleys. Collect all who look like they need a square meal, all the misfits and homeless and wretched you can lay your hands on, and bring them here.’ “The servant reported back, ‘Master, I did what you commanded—and there’s still room.’ “The master said, ‘Then go to the country roads. Whoever you find, drag them in. I want my house full! Let me tell you, not one of those originally invited is going to get so much as a bite at my dinner party.’”
Luke 14:16‭-‬24 MSG

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Christians who are most filled with The Spirit are often not very conscious of it.

They simply want to serve Jesus, push back darkness, liberate others, and don't think they're all that impressive in their attempts to do so.


I want to share some experiences about boosting the immune system, and curing the flu. I’ve learned the hard way. From the time my son was 1 year old, and many years on, he was sick almost every month except for the summer, and got serious reactions, like asthmatic symptoms. Even rushed to the hospital because of breathing difficulties. My immune system was lowered as well. Nowadays I almost never get sick from flu or cold – I get only mild symptoms. My son is doing better every year. You can find scientific studies on most of these. You don’t need all of them at once.


Clean (mostly organic) anti-inflammatory food (a few exceptions every week), berries, Vit-C, Vit-D, Zink, green powders/smoothies, probiotics (capsules or sauerkraut/kimchi)…


Raw honey/manuka honey, colloidal silver, inhale essential oils of tea tree, peppermint & oregano, echinaforce, Vit-C, Zink, chaga, garlic, freshly squeezed lemon, ginger, etc.

Crazy Finns part 2. With a bunch of teens on skis pulled by snowmobiles - on the frozen sea in -20°C. (I would like to share a video, but it doesn't work to upload it. I have tried before as well).

This video is so refreshing! I shared an article some days ago and was upset about the Zacharias scandal. This guy puts things so well. So many good points. He is a new person to me, apparently a appreciated apologist himself with half a million followers on Youtube. He says it feels so uncomfortable when people are praising him. In addition he makes a little surprising turn in the other half of the clip. He wants people to understand that giftings and success, has nothing to do with a high moral or virtue. We are gifted in different areas, but our giftings are given to serve others, not to make others serve us and put us on a pedestal. In addition, being gifted and praised, in combination with personal struggle, might be devastating if you are not allowed to be transparent and honest. This guy is brutally honest about his own background – prison, not being able to show empathy, his strange reactions when his mother died because of drug abuse, and more.

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Hey guys! With so much censorship happening, we don't want to lose touch with you. Sign up for our free e-newsletter FREE today right here! ➡️

#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC

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Most of us like to indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but what if you could take the “guilt” out of your guilty pleasure? As it turns out, chocolate can offer plenty of health benefits... including fighting cancer!

Check out this brief video to learn the top 5 proven health benefits of chocolate. 👉

#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC #darkchocolate #health

This is Soheila Fors, a Kurdish woman born in Iran, living in Sweden, married to a Swedish man. In the second picture you see Soheila’s mother and aunt before the Islamic revolution. Soheila’s father was killed by the regime, and she was abused by her first (Iranian) husband. She met Jesus in her desperation. Soheila has started up several tea houses for immigrant women in Sweden, for fellowship and vocational training. That is too provoking for the Muslim men. She receives death threats on a regular basis. A fire bomb was thrown on their balcony. She doesn’t get enough help from the authorities. It’s a taboo in Sweden to criticize the immigration policy or Islam. Those who suffer the most are women from a Muslim background. They are not defended by the leftist feminists, since they don’t fit the narrative. Some experts say that Sweden is one of the countries in Europe with the highest levels of segregations. There are dozens of no-go-zones and in some areas the sharia law is practiced

Cheap, not chip. Don't know how to correct afterwards.

The soils are deficient in nutrients, which leads to food deficient in nutrients. That means imbalances and a weaker immune system which can lead to sickness. In addition much of the food is full of pesticides that are connected to different diseases. Therefore organic food is a better alternative. Studies have shown that they also are more nutrient dense. Something that is very nutritient dense is sprouts. In addition easy and chip for those who can't afford high quality food. I have tried to sprout once, but after reading this article I'm gonna sprout more. It's not even difficult.

Tanja boosted

⚠️ DAY 3!

We look at Esther - one of the few people in the world to have been arrested in both North Korea and China and lived to tell about it.

Cross-country skiing on the frozen sea is the best place for skiing. We don't have this cold winters every year on the coast.

This is the FINNISH national instrument, kantele. Ida Elina has revived it, and taken it to the big audience. She has played twice at the presidential palace in Helsinki at the Independence day reception Dec 6th. She is a believer in Jesus.

Tanja boosted

Shalom brothers and sisters!
I'm not a fan of politics, but I'm quite able to discern right from wrong... and here in Italy, our Government (the only one we managed to vote for in the last 10 years...) just drop (don't know if it's the right word), and we are getting soon a new one entirely controlled by the Central Bank of Europe! 🎉 🎉
Plus, we are facing an unprecedented economical crisis! Many many people lost their jobs and there's much more unemployment coming...
Just pray for us please, that the Lord will send more workers in the field! There are not many true believers in this Country and in these moments and in the times ahead people will need the Real Love, the Real Truth, the Real Live which IS A REAL PERSON: JESUS, not a religion or a philosophy or a lifestyle!
Thank you so much for your prayers.
May the Lord bless you all ❤️

He has been lying about being a professor, which he admitted when he was alive. He hadn't even earned a doctoral degree even if he called himself a doctor. He had some honorary doctorates, which is not the same thing.

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