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Tanja boosted

I would like to request prayer for a situation concerning a child who was removed from her home, due to abuse. She is now living with a believing family, but it is looking like (aside from a miracle) she will soon be returned to her abuser. With God, nothing is impossible. Children are precious to Him. Thank you for your prayers.

@Berrybunchfamily here is one more (longer) clip on essential oils! (If you want to dig deeper).

@Berrybunchfamily here is a clip for you (and others that are interested) on essential oils! It took until a couple of years ago before I heard about essential oils and what they REALLY are. Though they were only scents... It's the original medicins, that are mentioned in the Bible 300 times, and are used in Chinese medicine etc. It's basically high concentrations of medical compounds from medical plants!

Tanja boosted

Positive home covid test for Jo (assume I have it too) which will curtail our filming day today!

Started last Wednesday so we should be most the way through...

Prayers appreciated by my DingDash family!!

Self isolating til Friday

Tanja boosted

Cold hard facts from a scientific paper.

"Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States"

Tanja boosted

Chile is starting to wake up against vaccine passports 👏

Chile is a 90% vaccinated country with two shots, but politicians introduced the third shot as requirement to the vaccine passport.

Even with 90% vaccinated people AND vaccine passport mandates, people have strict restrictions for restaurants, offices, stadiums, etc.

People who give up their freedoms for security, will get none of them.

Tanja boosted

We had a great 6 km hike today with the scouts, an hour drive away from home by a beautiful beach and in a pine forest.

This is a real DingDasher! A Finnish guy who communicates with Morse codes with people around the world. He started with a Finnish-American radio used during the Second World War. This device is from the 80s.

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman another piece of British research is warning people that people who are double vaccinated can still give covid to people who are double vaccinated who can then get ill from covid......I had to read that line a few times to check i'd read their honesty correctly....

Why get the vaccine if you can still get covid, and spread it?!?!? Makes something of a mockery of the whole 'ione we get a vaccine we'll have this beaten'

Because now it's 'booster as well is needed' and they're urging the British public to get their regular flu shots too....

I was talked into that many years ago by a former ICU nurse who scared me into it

I was SO I'll after that, that I've never had it again......

I've had flu 2 or 3 times in the last 44 years, and I'm usually done in a day...that flu shot gave me a worse flu than normal, and for a week!!

[Can you imagine having this conversation on Facebook or Instagram? We'd have the fake facebook police at the door already]

Tanja boosted


🇦🇺 Les Australiens ont un message pour le dictateur Dan Andrews

I would be happy somebody could prove this is not true, but the source is the British government, according to this article. (A link to the source of the article is in the bottom of the article). This means the more shots you get, the more vulnerable you are to get sick from mutations. Then it's a total fraud. It's better not to get the vaccine.

"N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.”

"What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people."

Tanja boosted

COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Nasal SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Asymptomatic Transmission - Benjamin S. Bleier, Murugappan Ramanathan, Andrew P. Lane, 2021

Meanwhile we're about to start vaccinating 5 year olds to protect the elderly

Tanja boosted

Coronavirus A.30 variant ‘efficiently evades’ antibodies induced by Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines – lab study

Well sh*t i guess the experimental jabs just caused the virus to mutate! No shocker there!

But don't worry you should still get the jab even though it never worked to begin with because Biden is losing his patients!

Tanja boosted

Shipping delays, labor shortages and other pandemic-related problems have created a logjam that’s affecting everything from costumes and toys to building materials and electronics

Biden's "Get the Jab or be fired" law is messing up the country! The virus didn't fire people that was your government!
You know the same government that worked with China to make the virus!!

Tanja boosted

These are pictures we took at an orphanage we visit to help. Our hearts break as we wipe dirt or dry vomit off their little bodies. Or unleash them from a chain holding them to the wall so they can’t move more than a foot away. Or tend their oozing infections in their mouths, feet or wherever. When I have one of these little ones near me all I feel is love and compassion. To tend them with the most Jesus love possible. We can’t go see them right now because of covid. I hate covid. But when I PRAY, I ASK GOD TO SHEILD THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS and to help them feel HIS LOVE regardless of what humans are doing. And I BELIEVE with ALL MY HEART that God answers and honors these prayers. For HIS heart breaks even more than mine.

So Christians please care! As a church we CAN make a difference. We can adopt. We can support financially. We can help physically. We can pray. We can advocate.

Or We can forget and look away.

My thoughts from China tonight.

Me too. Honestly, I must confess it's not easy to stand the pressure. They are blaming us every day in Finnish media that the virus is still existing. I have seen several videos of Americans being ushered out of their working places. Yesterday a Christian man who was employedd at UCLA got fired because he wasn't jabbed. He had worked there for 7 years, and was working there risking his own health during the outbreak of c. (You can see the clip on rooted.wings on Instagram) I am still waiting for more people in my country to get their eyes opened on what's going on. But not even the fact that vaccinated people get the virus and transmit it, and that they get hospitalized, have open their eyes. The problem? We should give it to children 2-11 now. And a third and a fourth jab. They don't see any connections to young people and healthy people getting strange symptoms some weeks or months after the shot. There are three levels of adverse reactions, and immediate allergic reactions are rare.

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