
These are pictures we took at an orphanage we visit to help. Our hearts break as we wipe dirt or dry vomit off their little bodies. Or unleash them from a chain holding them to the wall so they can’t move more than a foot away. Or tend their oozing infections in their mouths, feet or wherever. When I have one of these little ones near me all I feel is love and compassion. To tend them with the most Jesus love possible. We can’t go see them right now because of covid. I hate covid. But when I PRAY, I ASK GOD TO SHEILD THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS and to help them feel HIS LOVE regardless of what humans are doing. And I BELIEVE with ALL MY HEART that God answers and honors these prayers. For HIS heart breaks even more than mine.

So Christians please care! As a church we CAN make a difference. We can adopt. We can support financially. We can help physically. We can pray. We can advocate.

Or We can forget and look away.

My thoughts from China tonight.

@weavers4jesus I pray you can go see them and hold them close. Those poor children, I can't imagine treating anyone so harshly. I also pray for those that are miss treating the children, they need Christ!

@MaryMamuzich amen! And that is a huge part of our visit. The man who runs it has been very moved and touched by our sharing. His grandmother was illiterate and the only Christian in the family. She used to have him read her Bible to her when he was little. So us coming into his life has been reminding him of those days. He smiles when he thinks of them. And has a open heart to talk to. God opened this rare door for us. And it is an honor. Though painful and we can’t even speak most of the 5 hours home as we ache deeply when we leave them behind. But I truly believe he will come to know God and the love, deliverance and healing power through Jesus! And then he will learn love. And love the children. And their lives will change.

Pray for His Salvation, and his wife. And the family temple which has been in front of his house for 600 years to be destroyed along with all idols. Amen!

@weavers4jesus I will ask Jesus to turn that tiny flame of memory into a huge fire of faith and love. I pray he can't sleep at night because of the pain the children endure, that their pain will be 100 fold in his own heart and mind causing him to cry out to the Lord.

@weavers4jesus Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to help these children, protect them, break all chains and free them from all evil. Hide them in the shade of your wings and become a powerful refuge for them. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

@weavers4jesus thank you for sharing & caring! I pray the Lord reach out to each child’s heart.. to bring the love of Jesus to them : coupled with real love expressed to each one!

@weavers4jesus praying for you guys and all you're doing there 🙏🏼

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