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The day before first Sunday of Advent we call 'little Christmas' in Finland. Some even give gifts, and have a small Christmas tree. We don't do that. But we started to decorate, were baking gingerbread and invited guests for dinner.

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A young man contemplating accepting Islam joins our podcast. During the podcast, I directly challenge the lies of Islam and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Listen how this young man reconsiders.
He later wrote to me, saying that he can NOT accept Islam based on this podcast

People say that they got the jab because they belive in science. I believe in science too, and that's the exact reason why I refuse the experimental mRNA. (This doesn't mean I believe there have never existed any vaccine that doesn't work). More and more medical doctors and researchers speak out. Even if they risk losing their jobs and reputation. The problem is that this information is forbidden on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. And mainstream media don't talk about the risks with the shots either. They lie about statistics.

This doctor was trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho. What he detects in the blood of injected people is scary.

A lovely day! November and December on the Finnish coast can be very rainy. This looks like Christmas 🎄. From our garden and neighborhood.

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I'm on a heart ward now. Wired up to be monitored over night. Have been assessed and really want some sleep!

More scans in the morning. Then we'll see what happens next

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Tanja boosted

"A pilot at Southwest tells me the company just approved their vaccine exemption and all the exemptions from other pilots they know on the same day. Automakers also just agreed with unions to not require the jab. We’re winning. Biden’s medical segregation policy is falling apart."

She is talking about abuse of the aborigines in the northern territory of Australia. What's going on in all of 🇦🇺 Australia with their concentr... I mean quarantine camps is terrible!

I own a NIV Student Bible, and I like the language. It's very heavy, so I don’t carry it with me anywhere. But in my Bible app there are 67 English translations! 😃😆 It's impossible to know what to pick. But I would avoid old translations (even if yhey would be theologically "perfect") because I want to learn contemporary language. (If I need to make exegetical studies on some topic I can do it in my mother tongue Swedish).

For all who need it! It might not always be a physical abandonment, but parents not capable of loving and nurturing their children properly.

We had a beautiful day today. Now it's already raining... But it gives hope that we will have winter soon. Snow is much needed on this latitude where it's so dark this time of the year.

Things are getting more and more insane! 😱 🤨 "Get the vaccine and get 30 minutes of free sex with a prostitute at a brothel". This is what Austrian health authorities offer. I'm sorry, the article is in Swedish, but I share it just to let you know I've got a reliable source. In the article you find a movie clip in English in a tweet from Reuters.

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Tanja boosted

A Fully Vaccinated Man Regrets His Decision

A man who had COVID twice and then decided to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine so he wouldn’t get it anymore has a message for those who are holding out against the vaccines: “Stand your ground.”

“I wish 100% I would never have gotten this vaccine,”
“Two weeks after my final vaccination I have had nothing but problems … physical problems I never had before, almost debilitating.

“Stand your ground. It’s all a big lie.”

Have you watched the Argo movie from 2012? For some reason I had missed it. It was really exciting! We watched it on TV tonight. It's based on true events when CIA rescued six American diplomats from Tehran, faking a Canadian film project! Iranian Islamists stormed the United States embassy in Tehran in retaliation for President Jimmy Carter giving the Shah asylum in the U.S. during the Iranian Revolution, for cancer treatment. Sixty-six of the embassy staff were taken as hostages, but these six avoided capture and were sheltered in the home of Canadian ambassador.

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