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Not as warm as in Western Canada, but many days above 25°C (ca 80°F) is too much for many Finns, since we don't have AC except from in cars and grocery stores and a few other places. Our society is built for long, cold winters. We have triple glass windows and stable temperature indoors of between 20-24°C in every single house, even if it's -30°C outside.

An addition: my son (the shorter boy) and his cousin in two of the pictures.

We went to my in-laws' summer cottage by the sea last night, since it's so warm this weekend (26-30°C = 79-86°F). The pictures were taken at 23:45 (11:45 PM). The first time I woke up because of the light was at 4 am. We have better curtains at home. That's life on latitude 63"...

I recently watched a documentary about the Britney Spears conservatorship. It was so sad. It just confirmed the idea of an evil behind the system of the "Hollywood industry". Ok, the power of evil cannot have a grip on you if you don't sell your soul to the system. But for many it's about giving them an inch but they'll take a mile. Then it's too late for regret. I don't know about the state of Britney's soul, but apparently she used to belong to Christ and give him the glory. Bad things happened along the way. Sometimes we don't acknowledge that people suffer, just because they have money - as if money could buy them love or freedom. As Christians we should know better, and don't be jealous of the rich. Britney has zero control over her own money. Money that came at a high cost. A daughter to a movie star, said that her father was put under conservatorship, and her experience is that they want to keep them under their control til their death. I pray for Britney.

I am happy that we have Asian stores in our small town in this corner of the world called Finland. This is from our favourite, called Asian Market. Today we had dumplings for dinner, and different snacks after. We use to buy ingredients for Thai food as well. I once watched a documentary about real Chinese food in China. They said that Chinese food is much more diverse, rich and tasty than we are used to in the West. That's true for our city. I prefer the Thai restaurants here. They said in the documentary that those who start restaurants here haven't got the right education by real Chinese chefs, and usually aren't chefs at all.

A prophetic song. Many of us have had broken fathers and/or mothers. The good news is that the curse is broken through the new bloodline (Jesus’), and we have a perfect Father! We don’t have to repeat the same mistakes as our earthly parents. A renewal of the mind is not always easy, because we have to actively change our way of thinking, be honest with ourselves, recognize our own brokenness, but God is willing to help us if we honestly cry out to him and he makes us new creations! It’s an ongoing work. In God’s eyes our brokenness is not a disaster, but a possibility for him to use us for his purposes. We learn empathy. He has promised a new family and blessings for all who are rejected by their families (some fathers want to kill their own children for turning from other religions to Christ). God’s heart is beating for the widows and fatherless all throughout the Bible. He is defending the weak and needy. This is what He is like!

Tanja boosted

China's new persecution policies leads to old school revival in the house church.

Happy midsummer from Finland! 🌸🏵 We are celebrating Finnish-Swedish midsummer when the sun never sets. I know it sounds exotic for foreigners with midnight sun, but we are so used to it. It's the opposite in the winter, when the sun never rises for a couple of months above the Arctic circle. Where we live we see the pale sun for a few hours a day.

I just finished this working week and am a little exhausted. I have interviewed (on Zoom) around 80 persons that have applied to become teachers. My ratio of their total points is 25 %. I picked this bouquet of wildflowers in our neighborhood last night. I love this time of the year in Scandinavia! 🌸🌷🌼🌻

I love Sweden, and I share stuff like this with a heavy heart. This is about other things than helping people in their deepest needs (then they would help the Yazidis etc). It’s about “extreme” immigration policies. Today Sweden is the second most violent country in Europe. Sweden used to be the safe haven for people around the world. Including my Finnish ancestors, and Jews, during the WWII. Today most of their politics are based on atheistic secular humanism, which might look good on the surface but is destructive. Have you heard that ISIS terrorists that have returned to Sweden are offered free apartments, instead of international war crime tribunals? Did you know that if they rape a woman on the street, they get short sentences and are probably not sent back to their home countries? Did you know that you can travel to Sweden (car, ferry) without any further security control. It’s easy to smuggle illegal drugs and weapons. I could go on, but no digits left.

At my in-laws' summer cottage. Swimming and Finnish sauna. Most Finns love this! Pictures taken at 9.30 pm and it will be light all night! It's nice in the evening but not so nice when it's hard to fall asleep or you wake up at 4 am.

Tanja boosted

Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

Tanja boosted

We don’t look at people as they are. We look at them as they should be. We look at them as they could be. And we look at them in Christ Jesus, that in Christ, they are complete, and they are whole [1 Timothy 2:4-6, 2 Peter 3:9]. And that is the way we look at them [Matthew 9:36]. That is how we treat them. We treat them with dignity, with honor, and with respect [Galatians 3:28, 1 Peter 2:17]. And we choose our words so that they reflect honor and respect regardless of what I see coming from them or through them [Romans 2:10-11]. I will speak evil of no man [Titus 3:2]. I will speak good [Matthew 12:34] as God has spoken about us and blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places [Ephesians 1:3]. I will bless all men [Numbers 6:24-26, Romans 12:14, Luke 6:27-28]. I will speak well. I will speak the blessings of God [James 3:10]. I will treat them as I would treat Christ [Matthew 25:40].

@sinbach some old Swedish words. Eljest = otherwise, huru = how, givit = given, hägn = fence, surround, ofärdstider = times of unrest, war time

@sinbach a cousin who has lived all of her life in Sweden shared this today, and it gave me goosebumps. A song written by Lewi Pethrus, who was the leader of the Swedish pentecostal movement half a century ago. It's about God's angels protecting the borders with their swords, praying mothers, to be spared from war when the rest of the world was bleeding, the beautiful nature, and all riches of the country.

Enjoying summer after a long, cold winter and a cold springtime. Two weeks ago we had +6°C during the weekend. Since Tuesday we have had around 20-24°C everyday. Beach day today.

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