
Hi guys! What is the video (size/duration) limit for dingdash?

@tymektt None that we know of. There have been 1 hr+ ones.

@tymektt try getting hold of "handbrake" video compression software. free and works a treat. all our videos are compressed on there.

to be honest, i've struggled to see a difference

takes a bit to get it exactly like you want it, but simple enough!

our 30-35 minute videos compress down from around 1.5 gb to around loss of quality that I can personally detect!

andy b


from the DingDash help page

Posting Media
You can share videos and pictures by clicking the icon in the chat box that looks like a paperclip📎. You will be prompted to search for your file. After clicking on it, you will be given the option to post.

Unfortunately, at the moment, only files of 35 MB are able to load. Long videos are best shared from other formats, like YouTube, and then the link from YouTube can be posted on DingDash.

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