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Important information that you can share with anyone asking about Ukraine and how to get help once refugees get to Poland.

Rafal Haratyk, a born again believer from Poland (a friend of ours) is fighting today in MOSCOW 🤩
He went there just before the invasion.
This is super crazy cool, az he decided to paint on his body "Tajemny Plan" - logo of our Bible study ministry!

I know that some of you do not believe that Christians should participate in violent sports and I respect that, so please, no hateful comments here. 😘

Anyway, we have one Polish fighter in the heart of Magog that will fight a Russian opponent wearing our Bible Study logo! 🤩

This is google traffic on the border of Poland and Ukraine, 20 km line to cross the border.
From Ukraine, you see thousands of women, children, and the elderly that are running from for and on the Polish side, you see hundreds of Ukrainian men going back to fight for their country.

Remember - God is in action and He is doing huge things in the midst of this crisis.

Time to wake up, I've been living in Laodycea for far too long.

"The Ghost of Kyiv"
Ukrainian pilot who may be the first European Ace since World War II. And the first Ace in a day worldwide since the 1960s I think. There are reports he got six aerial kills yesterday alone.
Keeping the skyes clear for the civilians on the ground.

Weird facebook campaign targetting Polish people. Vast majority of Polish coments are like "we don't want to move into a dictatorship regime".
What a time to be alive.

Have a good day DD! Not writing more... need to put my glove back on 🤣

- 12°C , my car engine started at 2nd attempt. yay! finally some real winter.
Yes, we still keep our bedroom window a little open during the night 😉

Time to reengage the "Walking with Tim" picture series 🤩

Fall! After a long while of NOT walking I finally went for a max 3 km walk... that ended after almost 7 km 😂 I used this time to talk to a friend and did not notice the "mileage".

With special thanks to @Olamide (aka Holy Oly) who serves diligently to make ding dash a fun place to be 🤣

Back on my walks. Me, my wife and sleeping Junia 🤩
Lovelly Golden Fall 🤩

Yay! Christmas 😍 sale is here!

also... to check if you have the gift of tongues interpretation ask me for a Polish version called "Fufusiowe Opowieści: Odwaga do bycia posłusznym".

"A man who loves, because he has obtained his freedom through the truth of God, is the greatest revolutionary on earth." Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We've spent 2 days on contemplating the life of this Godly General trying to learn as much as possible for the days we live in and the days that are comming.

Do you know what was one of the first things that hitler managed to manipulate the German church to do? Segregating of the German believers from the Jewish believers...

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