I was struck yesterday by a Scripture i had forgotten about. "Pray that we might be delivered from wicked and evil men because many do not have faith" says Paul to the church in Thessalonica (2Thess3). I have been compelled to pray this for me and my loved ones over the last few years because things were so bad, not even realizing that I was quoting the New Testament.

When people in the U. S. ask me if i need prayer or what they can pray for, sometimes i hesitate to give them details because many believers lack wisdom and understanding, even of this simple Scripture and what really goes on here in the U. S. I know, because I used to be one of them.

When people ask me to pray or I when I ask them, i may still give details, but for clarity and simplicity, i think i will start quoting this Scripture more and those similar like in Romans 15 and Thess. 5. They are good ones..Ongoing blessings. @Rinati @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Jubilee @Knittinggrace and everyone

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