
I was told that the mayor of LA banned walking today, BUT I had me a REALLY good reason.

@sinbach the question is... Could you walk after your healthy meal?

@sinbach 🤣🤣🤣 I just got back from a run and was going to have chocolate when I got back( the thought of the goodness kept me running) I put the reward down on the counter and it was quickly intercepted by my husband! 🤣🤣

@MaryMamuzich very nice hat. how was the chocolate? I just found this chocolate and it is my new favorite. love it so much!

@sinbach honestly it was a little too sweet🙄 but your chocolate looks incredible, I need to find it!

@MaryMamuzich i bought every bar that the store had and went online to order more and it was SOLD OUT on their website. pretty popular. i am usually partial to plain dark, dark sea salt, and mint. i never go under 70% and if possible prefer 80+%, but this 90% is the best 90% i have ever had!

@sinbach I also prefer the higher and I like dark chocolate as well. But!! Sold Out!!! There has to be an underground supply somewhere!!

@MaryMamuzich if you find it - pls let me know. i bought their 70% brown butter dark and it is really good. i always brown butter to pour on top of my steaks. this dark chocolate soooo reminds me of browned butter on steak. mmmmm....

@sinbach steak sounds so good right now , never had browned butter on steak...

@sinbach not to insert myself here, but what happened to the vegan chocolate in Sweden?? Just when I thought you'd seen the light...
@MaryMamuzich I'll keep praying for you 😉

@bethany @MaryMamuzich i ate it all! i have no more left. i took some with me to china and ate every bit of it.
i am working on starting a shop in china to sell that boutique chocolate from sweden. the one that they have is 100% dark chocolate. the only one of it's kind. their 70% MINT is REALLY good, but too high in carbs.

@sinbach @MaryMamuzich I LOVE that idea. I really hope that one works our some day

@sinbach @bethany I just ordered the Alter Eco brown butter bar and mint on Amazon! God bless Bazo

@sinbach @bethany if it is all sold out the next time I order I'm coming after you🤣

@bethany @sinbach Bethany!! 🤣🤣 I always need prayer! I had to live most of my life without proteins especially meat. No looking back for me!! Hugs to you!

@MaryMamuzich @sinbach you did? So interesting how people's diets change! Wouldn't surprise me if my diet looks totally different five years down the line

@bethany @sinbach my body produced too much protein I had lots of allergies.

@bethany nope! cheese burger with saladwrap. no bun. america is so great right now. everywhere you go - EVERYONE KNOWS exactly what you are doing when you say "no bun" and they make suggestions for cool sides. i was at a restaurant the other day - broccoli and cheese, cheese curds, green beans, pepper poppers, etc were all offered as a replacement to fries.

@sinbach you know sometimes I think it's easier for you to eat out than me. Then again, I guess it depends on the country

@bethany and depends on the place. so many college towns and trendy hangouts are full of vegan menus. it is a religion in some places. in Discovery Bay we have a restaurant that ONLY serves vegan. if you want non-vegan, they tell you to go some place else.

@bethany you are seriously my favorite vegetarian to ever walk the earth, but seriously - NEVER. vegan restaurants? not in this life time. this restaurant put up a sign at the beginning of the pandemic that said, "if you come to our restaurant and we know that you are supposed to be on quarantine, we will call the police and report you." that was a double strike.
i bet they like cats better than dogs.
three strikes.

@sinbach okay no. I have to change that. I'll get you to a good vegan place sometime. As for the cats Vs dogs... I'll not comment. That will be another pineapple on pizza conversation

@bethany @sinbach inserting myself to say no pineapple on pizza. Pineapple is for an upside down cake.

@MaryMamuzich @sinbach ... it's difficult to see people stray so far from the light

@bethany @sinbach 🤣🤣🤣 oh my gosh! I love you! I spent sooooo many years eating like a dang rabbit or be terribly sick I'm truly enjoying an occasion walk on dark side. I do stay away from sugar, it's my worst enemy.

@MaryMamuzich @sinbach and you should enjoy it! Unashamedly. I think if people care enough to be conscious about what they're eating, and it works for them... more power to you

@bethany @sinbach you are a sweet and special gift. I'm blessed to have you as my sister

@bethany So you eat vegan? How long have you done that?

@daniel For about four years.. though if I'm eating out (or especially at someone's home) I'm not regimented about it

@bethany That's pretty good and long enough to know if it's for you. The wife and I recently started eating that way for preventive health reasons, and like you, we just eat what we're offered if we're at someone's house. A couple of cheat days a month isn't terrible. We did HFLC for a while, but have seen several of our friends who were very strict on keto come down with cancers or heart issues at a young age. My blood work wasn't ideal, here's hoping this is better!

@daniel yeah totally agree. I think in a lot of ways it's trial and error - what works for one person doesn't always work for another. You'll have to keep me updated on how you guys get on!

@bethany Sure thing! We just ate Chick-fil-A🤦‍♂️

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