Busy day ahead? Make sure you stop before you start, so you'll be able to finish!
Busy day [you think you have planned] ahead? Make sure you stop [to pray and bow before the giver of all we'll need] before you start [what He has planned for you] so you'll be able to finish [and be at peace with what you've accomplished walking in God's strength, and working at His pace]
Andy B
#rest #berrybunchfamilyfive #strength #runtherace #onelifeliveit #busy #God #timing #rhythm
1,000th post on DingDash and marking milestones
We are on a few different social media platforms because of BerryBunch.family. But our absolute favourite BY . A . MILE . is DingDash, created by the wonderful folks behind Back to Jerusalem.
DingDash is about making Dings (Dings and Dashes comes from the way letters were made in Morse Code) - when you reach 1,000 Dings (interactions), you get a little change to an icon that accompanies your profile – it changes to a little Ninja!
Ss we got nearer to our 1,000th Ding, I started to get a little nervous about what I’d want to be that 1,000th interaction; that 1,000th Ding; that move to Ninja status and our next post or conversation.....................
To read more, check out the full post on our website - https://tinyurl.com/krn8z74k
Andy B
#DingDashrocks #berrybunchfamilyfive #marriagematters #milestones #success #failure
First time back on the mountain bikes for a couple of weeks, but we got out again today - love these memory building moments of exercise and active resting with my most beautiful friend, and wonderful wife.
Getting very hot out there, even by 9am (for the UK anyway).
Even managed to meet some happy people and about, rather than the grumpier ones we tend to meet who are agressively anti-cyclist!
#cycle #nature #marriedandhappy #inlove #MTB #dayoff #activerest #datecycle
Our new washing machine is currently now on its second load, while I play catch up with the washing that's built up since Sunday! Washing is drying on the line, although at 6pm, it won't dry much tonight...it can go an aurer in our drying room over night (a small porch with the oil boiler in it that never cools down)...tumble dryer is standing ready if needs be to help us catch up with the current load washing in the new machine.
Feel very blessed that a way of paying for it opened up so easily... would've been a very different stor otherwise
Thanks to thosr that prayed and spoke uplifting words of encouragement! It meant a lot this week - especially @MaryMamuzich.
With a dodgy ankle this week (not a single clue how I hurt it earlier this week) the boys installed everything while I delegated ;-)
Andy B
Episode 4 now uploaded ready for viewing FROM 4pm SUNDAY 13th June on our website, YouTube, IGTV and Facebook.
This one feels like something of a labour of love!! But we overcame the technology issues in the end with what felt like a hammer and some gaffa tape!
We have added [correct] captions/subtitles too, and a transcript of my #GoDeeper talk on Keeping it Pure is available at the website via the link below (again, from 4pm Sunday).
I'll post this link again on Sunday afternoon. If you want the links when the posts are actually available, just visit the website and sign up to our blog!
Thanks for the prayers this week - they were needed!
Andy B
https://www.berrybunch.family/endurance-series-2-episode-3-keeping-it-pure/(opens in a new tab)
After such a day of technical issues, we're winding down for the evening. But I can't miss a year marking the life of our daughter, who died when she was 11 weeks old in the womb.
We named her Magdi - she would have been Peter's older sister.
She only lived for a very short time, but she made an impact on us that is lasting lifetimes!
I think of all we've done with BerryBunch and know her legacy, and what she taught us, are tightly connected.
When she died, we made a little Lego model to remember her, with the letter M built in the middle.
This photo, of that Lego model, was taken not long after - when we'd sold our home, to invest in a business that went on to be the last, and final, insurmountable God shaped object that prevented the opening of a lap dancing club.
That Lego model was a daily reminder to live the life we have while we have it, and a motto
"One Life Live It"
Looking forward to meeting her in heaven one day.
Andy B
We switched to a 7pm time for our weekday Prayer 2:62 but, to be honest, this really isn’t fitting with our family as we’d expected it to do. So, with some pretty big plans for Prayer 2:62 due in a month anyway, we’re gonna put a pause on Prayer 2:62 for now.
Our intention, God willing – when we change things up a bit – will be with a return to our previous time of 4pm, but with some exciting additions in the form of a prayer vlog/journal from Peter, and the wonderful Jo Jo and Peter creating a weekly Family Prayer Time video/idea to inspire you in your own situation. You can look at ones we’ve done previously here - https://www.berrybunch.family/resources/family-prayer-times/.
We don’t like having to cancel, and the time really isn’t working for us as we had planned for it to do.
So we’ll restart back on Monday 5th July for more Prayer 2:62.
The BerryBunch
My latest Andy B 2 Minute Video - all on Projection, Reality and Giant Spiders
If you’re not a fan of giant spiders, read on!
This is kind of, all about, the very opposite of giant spiders, as Andy B looks at how projected images distort reality!
So where in our lives, are we fearing something terrifying and monstrous – when it is really just a projected image making something look bigger than it really is?
Andy B
#berrybunchfamilyfive #godeeper #spiders #projection #reality #fear #perception
no spiders were harmed in the making of this mini video ;-)
I don't usually get quite so excited about website stuff, but our www.BerryBunch.family website is no longer what it was when we started, which is great!
Our oldest son @StevenBerry came up with a better approach to the front page - which is now live. Now the front page finally reflects more of who and what we are!
With some quality photo assistance from middle son @TakeN the images came to life (and a little computer assistance for our newly dedicated green screen).
We had a fun time making those first two images 🙂 and hope this comes through all we do...especially Dave the Dog, our latest project.
Also, thanks mainly to some timely and godly inspiration by @DevotionalTreasures we finally have a proper name for all the regular videos we're making, and BerryBunch TV was born (albeit a year after it came to be.......)
I've included a couple of photos from the front page...
Andy B
#berrybunchfamilyfive #fun #familyeffort #family #churchfamily
more of a name change to a section of the website and photo than anything else, but we didn't know how to name that section of the website!
so it's a step on the right direction - thanks for the inspiration!
about to redo the home page after an idea from our oldest............that's exciting all of us as I work on it!
Andy B
Season 2, Episode 4 now available to watch online.
Steven introduces our theme this week – Staying Humble.
GoDeeper with Andy B, as he focuses on humility, particularly in receiving correction.
He gives some examples of people receiving correction and touches on why it is so important to remain humble.
Steven & Nathan give us 2 challenges for the week ahead in #GoDo:
Read and Remember:
Steven encourages us to read the Scripture for this week; James 4:6, and suggests we actually memorise that verse.
Reflect and Respond:
Nathan challenges us to reflect on areas of pride in our lives, and to make sure we don’t allow ourselves to become too proud to accept advice and guidance.
The BerryBunch
#Sunday #Children #Families #Church #Bible #Video #Online #Free #Teaching #FamilyFriendly #Prayer #AllAge #Ministry #Endurance #SpeakTruth #GoDeeper #GoDo #BerryBunchfamilyfive #StayHumble #Correction
We dedicated our green screen, & new-look studio, to God yesterday.
Earlier in the week, as we were sorting the small corner of our home where we do this, Jo described it to Peter who didn't quite get it
'that we creating it in our epicentre...Jo and the older boys then laughed as they thought of our studio being likened to the centre of an earthquake...but when I started praying with Jo later that night - in 2 super comfy chairs that have felt like burdens for 3 years (in houses where they never 'fitted') I prayed God would use our attempts and obedience - with BerryBunch - for Him.
As I spoke those words in prayer, I felt a movement of the Holy Spirit heating my body, and exciting me - I wasn't able to pray out loud for a few minutes after that wonderful encounter!
I truly don't know why God led us to do BerryBunch but I do know we're being obedient.
And I love the idea our Studio could be an epicentre for God to work from, with our family in the very centre.
Andy B
A little time for some reflection!
Jo and I were looking back ah the videos we've been creating - since April 2020, when we started our website.
This post (link below) was our very first one on there!
We've loved all we've done and have reached out through
- Facebook
- Instagram
- YouTube
- DingDash (a seriously LOVELY place to be with so many lovely people from all over the world)
- The website where we have loads of resources you can use, share and download - and all for free.
Since starting, we've created nearly 500 free to use resources, including our current regular outputs:
- Endurance
- Little Blessings Online
- Prayer 2:62 - praying, and seeing answered prayer, from Nigeria, USA, UK, China, Finland, South America, The Himalayas.
And we've got a brand new Video Podcast we're launching in November to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We have a logo, a name, a strap line and a format 🙂
We hope something we've done has blessed you!
Andy B
Little Blessings Online Season 4, Episode 2 is being edited as I type.
And it'll be ready for you from 1030am on Monday morning on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram TV and, of course, via our website - www.berryubunch.family
This time with an upgraded version of Three Blind Mice (about the Trinity ;-) ) and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Jo Jo makes a Bottle Shaker for Art Time.
In Story Time, Dave the Dog helps Jo Jo retell the story of the Music Maker - a man who helps his neighbour when he plays music in his own home, with the windows open....
The BerryBunch
Editing day today....
Little Blessings Online and Story time with Dave the Dog - the full, online, baby and toddler group episode then needs recording too (and post edits adding).
Dave the Dog actually makes his first, full, appearance...he was a bit nervous to start with, but his Black Country accent (little place in the West Midlands, England) comes through and he helps Jo tell the story.
Endurance episode needs post editing, cos we filmed that yesterday :-)
Then I can upload the lot (roughly 15 separate uploads/posts in total and I've so far uploaded 2...).
Good job we're covering Self-discipline in [the older boys' creation] Endurance this week!!
A little teaser of our new addition, for Story Time.......
Andy B
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch