the Dave the Dog Show, Coming Soon
the Dave the Dog Show starts in September (that’s just next month!). Check out the link to find out more about my brand new show – with the BerryBunch.
Cats will be allowed – if they promise to be kind.
Dave and the BerryBunch
PS Dogs Rule!
PPS Its’ gonna be called “Dave Unleashed”
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And that is a personal best for this same route that I frequently ride.
Feeling right chuffed with that!!
Andy B
#cycling #cycle #berrybunchfamilyfive #ride #riding #countryside #seaside #accomplishment #sweaty #peace
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.08.2022
Not all that is new is better. Not all that is old is bad.
Andy B
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God is so good!!
Am super excited right now............a gift for our ministry from a dear Christian supporter - our very own, brand new computer for our BerryBunch family ministry for all those videos we edit each week.
Can't wait to open up the box and get this bad boy set up!!!
And its really highly specced too, so will be perfect for all those computer heavy editing things we do so frequently.
God is good and this is an answer to a prayer we began two years ago when we started this online ministry, which now sees something like 20,000 visits to our wee little website each week from real, alive, people....that's humbling in and of itself!!
This gift is so much more than we could have ever hoped to achieve. And now it's even more for God's glory and His kingdom.
Andy B
#TestimonyTuesday: All expense holidays, while unemployed
God loves to show off – just look in a mirror. He made you to be a little bit like Him, and He thinks you’re truly amazing.
See, I told you He likes showing off. There isn’t a single person who is just like you: God hand crafts us with purpose, and on purpose to be both unique and fully capable of everything He desires us to do!
Testimony: All expense holidays, while unemployed
When you’re unemployed, and desperately trying to find employment, the last thing on your mind is a holiday. Although, actually, it is often very needed – because unemployment has to be one of the single most stressful places you can ever find yourselves in. Particularly when your job was taken from you, rather than surrendered by you. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 10.08.2022
Just because we can, doesn’t mean to say we should.
Andy B
It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
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“I am a secret agent for the King of Kings!“
In one way this is a #TestimonyTuesday post, only not on a Tuesday – but this wasn’t one we could skip: it wouldn’t wait! We’ll come back to that. And, on the other hand, it is both a challenge and an encouragement to us all on how we do anything for God.
It’s also my first post after a week’s much needed break. So, hello and well met – how are you doing?!?
Essentially, the question on my mind today is whether we are doing ‘good’ for God, or for us.
If you’ve ever watched a James Bond film, Mission Impossible or, indeed, any secret agent film, you’ll be familiar with the idea of a Secret Agent. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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Any Lord of the Rings fan out there: This is one of Jo's posts last week.
"I can carry you"
In life, we all face our own challenges and difficulties. And, although we can empathise with other people and their problems, whether we have been through similar experiences or not, no one can be in our situations for us. And this is clearly highlighted towards the end of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy when Frodo’s dear, friend and companion, admits that he cannot carry Frodo’s burden – which was the ring around his neck. However, Samwise Gamgee realised that he could carry Frodo to where they needed to go – Mount Doom. Sam says to Frodo:
“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you”
This is a powerful, and poignant, moment in the film, revealing the true and faithful heart of a friend who ‘sticks closer than a brother’ (Proverbs 18:24).
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we've had a good week off, chilling at home, so I'm posting a few, more recent, videos - we stopped, but they didn't stop going out 😊
we would appreciate prayers for our computer, since it's rather central to all we do...we bought a refurbished PC last Friday and died yesterday....these things happen, but it adds a tad more stress as we've now got to sort that, and we still need a replacement computer (a new computer isn't an option for us any time soon).
Andy B
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 09.08.2022
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Romans 13:1
Andy B
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Birthday number two on our week off
This time it's Nathans ( @TakeN ) turns he turns 17
Andy B
PS That birthday banner has been used, for every birthday in our family, since the late 1990s
Family cycle to the sea on my birthday ☺️
And first family cycle for over a year, due to a God incident and miracle which enabled us to buy bikes for the older two lads - we sold their bikes last summer, as they'd outgrown them but were never able to replace them
That all changed last weekend.
God is good. Time for steak and chips - while watching Sing 2 😁
Andy B
#TestimonyTuesday: Another miracle house move
Moving house is expensive. REALLY expensive. Due to the joys of the housing market in the UK, a job market which can be quite unsettling, we’ve become far too expert at moving house. But, God has us covered for all that He asks us to do.
Another miracle house move
When we moved to our current home, we couldn’t afford it. Like, at all! God, however, doesn’t worry about His level of resources, especially for those who are His children!
We’d been trying to move for a while, knowing that we needed an area of the country where we could find cheaper housing and a better job for Jo. Living in the south of England is expensive!
When it came to it, Jo was actually head hunted for her current role. Her tremendous expertise, over 2 decades, in the field of Domestic Violence, was – I am sure – part of what drove her new employers to seek her out. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 26.07.2022
Don’t let your past pain become your future perspective. Forgiveness helps us let go of the past, but it also helps us embrace the future.
Andy B
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#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
Good Evening World
Just a quick note from me.
I’m having a bit of a rant, having wasted the last 30 minutes of my Sunday evening seeking to overcome this issue. But we have been beaten. Totally – by Facebook. I know, well, when to stand fight and when to simply walk away – and work around the problem. It makes me sad, but it is what it is: Facebook has been deleting music from our videos, with no recourse available for us.
Sadly, you can’t challenge the totalitarian approach of Social Media giants like Facebook: there is no complaints procedure; there is no customer service. There is just their action, which can’t be undone.
We get lots of people viewing, and enjoying, our resources on Facebook, directly. However, we will no longer be doing this. [READ MORE]
Andy B
PS I’m off for a cup of tea and some more time with my family.
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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.07.2022
It’s interesting to think of those things we absolutely need… …until they are gone, when we realise how easily we can live without them.
Andy B
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Behind the scenes with the BerryBunch
I’ve been hearing the same thing of late, from quite a few people. And it goes something like this:
“How are you able to produce so much? I can’t do that”.
So, let me pull the curtain back a little, to the world of the BerryBunch – in the hope that I can encourage you in your own serving of God.
But, firstly, do you have any specific questions you’d like us to answer about what we do, how we do it, or why we do it? Let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch