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Andy B Book launch update

2 Minutes a day can change your world and Just a Thought... does exactly that!
I've been working really hard trying to get everything finished for the launch of my next book - Just a I'm gonna skip a couple of my usual Andy B 2 Minute Videos this week.

These are exciting times for the BerryBunch: if you're missing out on a little Andy B daily logic, here's a little video I made all about the new book (below).

God willing, it'll be available to buy a week tomorrow - that'll be Friday 14th October, as a Paperback or eBook, on Amazon. I'm nearly ready to hit the publish close!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, why not our brand new Check out our Council of Elrond page and see how we keep the Ministry running so well. We've got supporters all around the word, literally! Now you can meet a few of them who walk alongside us regularly.

Andy B

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How adaptable are we? Oh, and I’ve got a new book coming out

What struck me today is that I had an idea for a video. Actually, I had several. I didn’t run out of time. I did get focused on a different project. Because, you see, the proof copy for my next book arrived & I’m super excited about it. So much so that I decided to devote time to fixing a few minor alterations that needed to be made, and then to authorise creation of an eBook that will be offered as a choice for those that prefer it.

So, at long last, I’ve decided to use the spot at 6pm (UK time) that would normally be my Andy B 2 Minute Video, to tell you about our need to never to be so focused on something that we miss something else even more important. It’s easy to forget that we serve God, not ourselves. And that, my dear friends, requires a great deal of humility and willingness to be adaptable.

Which leads me nicely on to my next book project – called, cleverly, Just a thought…

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I wonder if you catch yourself looking forwards, worrying about the future.

Well, this really speaks of why we should trust God with our future – because He cares for us, and every single detail of our lives!

Heating Help
In the Spring of 2022 the UK saw a dramatic, and quite scary rise in energy costs. There were warnings from many charities all about the risk to life – as people would have to choose between either heating or eating. It wasn’t long before this doubling of energy costs would happen again – from October 2022.

The British government would step in – at the very last minute – to help the most vulnerable, and offer some financial help, although it was really not enough with people also having to deal with rising fuel costs for cars and rising food costs also crippling the ability for many to buy food, heat their homes and get to work. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 30.09.2022

Reminder – God’s in control. He has been all day long!

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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Hey up DingDash peoples 😁

Just over 40 minutes for my usual [nearly 10 mile] cycle

Considering I thought I was really tired and couldn't push much at all, that's nearly down to my best time! I thought I was barely moving...I felt like I was doing really rubbish!!

Funny how feelings can be so wrong...

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 28.09.2022

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Philippians 4 v 6

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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Andy B’s next book is coming soon!

Here’s the cover…well a small part of it anyway….any guesses what’s behind the rest?

We’re getting a bit excited about this next book. we hope you’re getting a little excited too!

As ever, it’ll be available as a paperback and a digital eBook, on Amazon (for Kindles and any other digital readers you have).

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 26.09.2022

Saying no to something means we can say yes to something else.

It also means somebody else gets a chance to say yes, too!

Andy B

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Busy day today!! But glad we were able to get some free far about 2 months or so of wood is good to go, with another amount to process sitting on our drive

Tired. Needing some dinner!

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.09.2022

Always make sure that faith is an active part of your financial planning.

It isn’t a nice luxury, that can be helpful sometimes.

Faith is as valuable as the air we breathe.

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 20.09.2022

Don’t invest so heavily in the future, that you forget to invest in the present.

Planning for the future can be great. But, so is living in the present.

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 21.09.2022

A good marriage isn’t all about compromise.

A good marriage is all about sacrifice.

Compromise may help in the short term, but sacrifice lasts a life time.

Andy B

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Our radio show is on air right now 😊

Family Focus on Konnect Radio, with Jo and I until 6pm (UK)

Something of a day date earlier for Jo and I, with a flask of tea and a fresh made chocolate cookie for me, and a Bakewell Slice for Jo - while she has a couple of impromptu days off.

We're still taking a pause from our usual output to remember the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

Normal output will resume on Thursday this week, except on Monday: Dave Unleashed will go out on one day later, on Tuesday instead, at 4pm.

Andy and Jo

Found this little chap (Or is it a chapette?) on our drive when we got home from our nightly walk around our village.

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 05.09.2022

“The world is shaking. The enemy is shouting, but God is still victorious! The sacrifice of Jesus on a cross is still won!”

Andy B

missed our interview on Konnect Radio this morning, on the breakfast show?

you can enjoy it right here

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.08.2022

The first miracle we read about, of Jesus at work, is Him making wine. Not ordinary wine, but the highest quality possible. With Jesus there is always a happier ending.

Andy B

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