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There was, sort hooked into the browser in your phone/tablet etc

But then it disappeared

@daniel also, possibly the app being withdrawn didn't help either?


Hiya Daniel,

Nope - not just guess would be that maybe people have simply moved back to mainstream social media channels, for whatever reason

Anybody left here on DingDash? All the usual voices seem to have gone extremely quiet...

Andy B

My regular weekly Tuesday afternoon guest - Dr Richard Scott GP - will be joining me this afternoon on the Get You Home Show.

Today we continue delving into gene editing, it's positives for sickle cell and thalassemia as well as the multiple ethical issues it also creates!

Andy B

how's everyone doing?

busy here with the radio.

God is good - we're seeing 1,000 listeners each month in 9 nations, which is blowing me away a bit

Christmas Day and the BerryBunch will be doing a Live show in the morning - to keep you company

Andy B and the family

Some abstract bokeh for today.
I held a small microscope to the lens of an old HP pocket camera and aimed it at the setting sun as it shone through a bush.

Christian GP and evangeslist - Dr Richard my resident doctor on my Drivetime show

Another one you might enjoy

John Cooper, fromt the US rock band skillet - interviewed by @StevenBerry for his Rock Show on

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