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This some of our presenters are divided over whether or not white chocolate is actually chocolate.

Comment below your opinion.

and we now have a Studio B - at our satelite recording hub. that's getting prepared for the start of October and a new presenter starting here at our global online radio station Pure 24/7 Radio (loved the comments from people from multiple locaitons in England, bonnie Scotland and even Montana in the USA)

today was a mostly good day. my first show went well - did I mention I was Live, solo, for 3 hours?!? well, that happened today and I loved every single second of it.

sadly palpitations kicked in at 5pm, but i managed to keep going until they finally subsided after 8pm a nd it seems no one noticed, 'cos i managed to finally do what my cardiologist told me to do and to ignore them - even while broadcasting Live 🙂 .

our News on the hour issue is seemingly resolved so, from tomorrow, it should get back to normal and should auto-update itself merrily without intervention...we will see...

day one? good. day two ? bring it on!

Andy B

Dido, The Levellers, Van Halen, Shania Twain, Sheryl Crow - the last few songs from the mix on our Pure 24/7 Radio.

Still have to pinch myself that we pulled it off, under 3 months, under budget, ahead of schedule and now have a global media organisation.

Interesting what God calls us to do and how little He asks of us.

Have you tried listening to our radio station yet?

Pure 24/7 Radio - Everyone's cup of tea (or coffee!)

My drivetime show starts on Monday

3pm, UK - Everyone's cup of tea

first Live show on our newly launched Radio Station went almost flawlessly.

God is good!

Andy B

The Family Focus Show is back, now on Pure 24/7 Radio. We have all our usual features, including Word of the Week, Riddles, Movie Music and so much more!

Tune in from 3pm on Sunday 3rd September. We'd love it if you could join us. - Everyone's cup of tea

let it begin!

we are Live and God is good

i'll be honest. when that first link played, bang on time, I cried just a little

nothing to global radio station launch within 3-4 months

God is so very good!

Enjoy music free of bad language and anything immoral or illegal

you're welcome

Two days til we start up the music ...

On Pure 27 Radio 😁🙂

Listening right now to our stream. My word it's good!!!!!

Last 15 minutes: Shania Twain ,Sheryl Crow, Fireflight and now Melanie C
..everyone a superb example of great music!!

Andy B

Https:// - Everyone's Cup Of Tea

more progress as we hit 3 days to launching our own Global, Radio Station - Pure 24/7 Radio

Just scheduled my first regular guest for my own, Live, daily, drivetime, show

Want to know more?

Andy B

Welcome to Pure 24/7 Radio

We are Pure 24/7 Radio - Everyone's cup of tea.

7 Days Til the Music Begins

A message from Andy B about the launch of Pure 24/7 Radio.

A little over 11 days til our first show is scheduled to air, Live, from (BerryBunch Headquarters - thanks @stevelegguk for that name!).

We're now 1/4 the way through uploading the music, with our team (currently 5 people on this task) working daily away behind the scenes - ensuring that each song is checked for clean lyrics and quality; that it measures up to our Pure 24/7 Radio standards.

We checked out our radio stream and we're loving the mix of music - you'll be able to enjoy it, too, from Friday 1st September.


The Website you’ve been waiting for -

The BerryBunch are no strangers to Radio, or performing in front of others. And, with Pure 24/7 Radio, you can now enjoy them - and the other presenters who will be joining the station in the coming weeks and months – 24 hours every day from your mobile phone, tablet, computer or smart speaker!

This Brand New, UK based radio station is being launched all around the world starting with 6 Presenters and 13 shows all ready to go. And, as you'd expect from anything the BerryBunch are involved in, the lyrics will be pure and the music out of this world good!

You can expect plenty of Live Radio, great chats, features you'll love and music you'll want to listen to again, and again.

Check us out and tell a friend. Or shout it from the roof tops. We know we are!

Pure 24/7 Radio is here and has arrived wherever you can find an internet signal!

Andy B

tomorrow we announce the name and website for our brand new, UK based, Global Radio Station 😊

12pm UK time

we'll be exclusively playing music that is free of bad language and doesn't promote anything illegal or immoral. and that's it for how we choose our music

and there's an awfully large pool of great music from artists from around the world - whether they have chosen to believe in Jesus, yet, or not

Andy B

Working super hard on finishing the website for our new Radio Station.
And, if you missed that announcement, we'll tell you the name and where you can listen to us, on Monday 21st August.

Global Radio, for a Global Audience 😉

All part of our Pure Media Family
( )

BREAKING NEWS from the BerryBunch

So we've gone a done a 'thing'. And it's our biggest project to date. Actually, it's part of a much wider growth for all we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've enjoyed being Presenters for a radio station so much that we've only gone and set up on our own Radio Station - it'll be UK based, and available online via the new website, via your Smart Speaker or TV. The website is so squeaky new that we're still pulling the plastic covers off, but check back real soon for the web address and Social Media Channels.

It'll be Live 24/7, and will be available to you anywhere around the world. We'll let you know the name on 21st August.

We've never worked so hard and we've got some amazing people working behind the scenes helping it all become a reality.

It'll come under a new group we've also set up called Pure Media Family, which you can access right here:

The BerryBunch

14th August...just 6 days away now, and nearly ready to announce one of our newest projects!

Currently having some down time, but we are getting super excited about this announcement!!!!!

We will be shouting about this one indefinitely I suspect 😉

Still not ready to say what it is, but suffice to say you'll be able to enjoy this one wherever you can get WiFi or internet 😁 everywhere in the world............

Andy B and the BerryBunch

The Family Focus Radio Show is on the move!

After a year of doing our Radio Show the BerryBunch Family Focus Radio Show has a new home with a new Radio Station: we’re super excited for this and can’t wait for it to continue in it’s new home!!!

Family Focus was a devotional we started developing more than 5 years ago, so adapting it into a Radio Show was an obvious choice.

It’ll be the same BerryBunch; the same chat; the same feature rich 3 hours and the same great selection of amazing music to keep you going through Sunday.

Watch this space – we’ll announce who secured our unique approach of broadcasting on 14th August.

The BerryBunch

Lots going on for the BerryBunch with plenty of news, a project coming to an end, new projects beginning - over the next 8-12 weeks.

From Sunday evening we have two weeks of God ordained rest/holiday.

Burt, before that, it's our final show on Konnect Radio this Sunday afternoon, from 3 til 6pm.

We joined in September 2022 &have provided, as volunteers, cover for multiple Saturday Breakfast shows, Saturday lunch & various evening shows, plus 4 weeks of weekday breakfast shows & Christmas shows too. I don't know how many hours that adds up to exactly, but somewhere north of 200 hours of radio in the last 12 months at a guess.

&, of course, many weeks as one of the team on the Big Fat Quiz, some of the ground work for Konnect Konnections & as part of the Social Media Team more120 videos were edited and 40 c 3 Sunday PM shows.

We've interviewed an author, occupational therapist, musicians, a performance poet, charities, churches, a Bible College Principal, CEOs and more.

Andy B

Hey up lovely folks of the DingDash.

It's one week until we have a two week break and then we have some SUPER exciting news about a new Ministry we will be launching. We're keeping it hush hush for now.

But, if you want to know first, you'll need to sign up to our weekly inspirational and encouraging Newsletter - BerryBytes, on our website:

Andy B

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