So much fun right now doing a photo shoot for some more publicity stuff.
My dogs rarely have to be on leash, but this is good to know.
Fancy some uplifting interviews? We've got you!
I love interviewing people and sharing something of their story and we've got a nice little growing catalogue of people I interview for my drivetime show.
If you're in the US that may well be your breakfast show 😀 as @MaryMamuzich often reminds me
Check out our Catch Up page for some uplifting interviews. So far i've interviwed a couple of who found Jesus after a family member was murdered; a UK evangelist who is living to the max despite a diagnosis of Young Onset Parkinsons Disease and Green Pastures - a charity that helps other charities/ministries/churches purchase homes for the homeless.
There are loads already, and more coming so check them out.
Andy B
Still adjusting to the new norm for us here at #BBHQ cos I'll be on the go from 1pm til 11pm starting with a video interview and in to my regular Live drivetime show
Never thought we'd launch a global media organisation with a Radio Station but we've done that. Very excited about my new regular guest/specialist starting from nezt month, and conversations with a lovely [very definitely global!] ministry who are excited to partner with us
It's a strange and exciting life when you put your hands in God's hands and simply say "Lead me and I'll follow".
But I wouldn't want it any other way: interviewing fascinating people and enabling them to tell something of their story; broadcasting to 4 countries (that we know about).
And we turn just 7 weeks old this Thursday: this week marks the end of 3 months of preparation and 7 weeks of starting up the station. After this week it'll be just maintaining what has already been done, and growth - as the Lord guides.
Andy B
Feeling all grown up. We turn 6 weeks old today and this arrived in the post this morning 😊. Couldn't have timed that better 😉
Now ready to start attending conferences and festivals.
Team Pure
#BBR #BBHQ #Pure247Radio #banner #radio #conference #excited #festival #lookinggood
another one for you
Jennifer Benson from the US Christian Metal Band - Ignescent, who I interviewed while she was on route to open for the Petra 50th Anniversary Tour
this appeared on The Rock Show (Mondays from 9 til 11pm, UK time) from Pure 24/7 Radio
Our most recent video on sensory issues by our resident Sensory Occupational Therapy expert - Anne Laure Jackson, on my Get You Home Show on Pure 24/7 Radio
Some reflections on some large changes
What a 5 weeks we’ve had!
Pure 24/7 Radio turned 4 weeks old this time last week and we’ve seen huge changes to our family life – all good stuff, but it hit me last night that I’m no longer simply reactive to caring for my family, because, I’m no longer a full-time stay-at-home dad. That was, essentially, the last 19 ½ years of my life – since Steven was just a few weeks old.
That stay-at-home dad thing began in February 2003. And it was just Steven and I with cup feeding – using Jo’s breast milk to keep him alive! Oh, and no one to really call…just me and my first son and two dogs to look encouragingly on...[READ MORE]...
This evening saw two new shows starting on Pure 24/7 Radio
Energise, with Peter - your mid-week, caffeine free, energy boost (wonder how many 13 year olds can hold a Live broadcast for two hours so well, on their first go!!)
And Endurance - where faith meets fitness: with @TakeN and @StevenBerry
My word they were good - if you've got younger folks their show is just amazing, answering so many tough questions about life and faith...and while Live
Can't beat people their age doing the talking!!!!
Proud of my family. And thrilled by what God has called us to do.
Never thought I'd be CEO of a global media organisation...but, hey, God's got a sense of humour 😁
Andy B
Dear brothers and sisters, I need your intercessor, my wife is thirty-four weeks pregnant, but yesterday suddenly there was a large amount of amniotic fluid outflow, and then we rushed to the hospital for overnight examination, the baby in the belly is normal. However, the doctor advised the baby to be born because of insufficient amniotic fluid. The baby was born prematurely at thirty-four weeks. Please pray for the baby and Grace ,wishing them peace and health.
Connected to our Live Portal...usually like to do that about an hour before we go Live
Suffice to say MANY technical issues (nothing at our end) meant we didn't actually connect - to be able to speak Live - until about 15 seconds before the end of the first sing of our Sunday, Family Focus show!
Just about made it, minus a sound check and various other things we can't actually do until our computer can 'connect'
Still, that's Live radio for you, and we wouldn't want it any other way
Andy B
PS we do a riddle every week. Have a go at an answer and we'll give you a mention on air, next Sunday 😊
We down tools on Friday evening when the job is done, and they stay down until about 1pm on Sunday, so we can prepare Studio 2 for our Family Focus radio Show.
I've posted quite a bit on here about the new radio station we launched: we're just three weeks old and yet my diary is rapidly filling with interviews and meetings about possibilities.
God is good and I'm amazed by what we've seen in such a short time, and what may be. I have no clue what may be! But Im looking forward to find out.
Saying Yes to Jesus is the best decision any of us make. But choosing to, then, follow Him wherever He leads, and regardless of the costs we envisage - while not for the faint hearted - is an exciting journey! And it's one we all get to live, should we choose to honour God and let Him guide our lives in the way that only He could!
It means you put yourself at the mercy of people and of God
It also creates the most unimaginable moments when all you can do is gaze in awe of God's provision
Andy B
S05E001, Directions: Love, Family Prayer Time
Family Prayer Time is back!
Taking inspiration from the book of Revelation, Peter and JoJo encourage us to pray as a family by using the directions given by Jesus to the Churches.
Peter and JoJo pick out how Jesus calls us to love God and others, and pray about being loving as a family, because prayer changes everything!
Exiting news, Peter and JoJo have been helped by Jess from Hope Designed ( who has created new and inspirational materials for us and you can find these on the BerryBunch website.
Peter and JoJo challenge us to read 1 Corinthians 13: to pray for the Fruit of the Spirit: and to memorise Galatians 5:22.
Love is in the air!
This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:
My Live Drivetime show is buzzing today with energy
Our drivetime show and @MaryMamuzich's wake up and get going show
Multitasking around the world...drivetime and breakfast show at the same time? Ok 😁😃
Andy B
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch