Testimony Tuesday: Pray About It!
Recently, I’ve started praying about everything I’m about to do, or have already done.
I don’t mean I pray about every single thing, but most key things I do.
For instance: I pray before I start my Education – that I will remember what I learn and get good marks: I pray before I go for a journey – that I, and those with me, will have safe travels: or I might thank God, that there is food in the cupboards.
I try to thank God, after all the things I do.
One of the lessons I have learnt is to thank God for the jobs I have. One of them is hanging the washing on the line; I thank God that there are clothes to take out; that I am well enough to take the washing out; there is a means of washing our clothing.
Now that I pray before and after everything that I do. I have found that God is in more of my thoughts; I have a slightly better mindset of life and I don’t take things for grant...[READ MORE]...
Peter L. Berry
For the rest? https://tinyurl.com/va6yx8sw
S05E100, Baby Steps to Where, Andy B 2 Minute Video
How many projects end up being sold, in pieces, on eBay? From project cars to project kitchens, we all have those things we begin and never complete. But the worst thing we can ever do is to simply never begin something....[READ MORE]...
Andy B
S05E099, Are You Humble Or Proud? Andy B 2 Minute Video
”Pride goes before a fall”. You ever heard that phrase? It’s actually taken straight out of the bible, from Proverbs 15 verse 18 and it’s another nugget of eternally rich wisdom that reminds us not to think too much of ourselves.
Andy B
60 Second Update, Issue 51
60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos, and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.
The berrybunch
S05E096, Do You Accept Criticism? Andy B 2 Minute Video
I’ve worked alongside, or under, some great leaders in churches and in businesses, and voluntary organisations. And, sadly, I’ve also served around people who love to use their position to bully others and, the most successful approach I’ve seen to achieve this, is through creating grey areas of information and knowledge.
Andy B
S05E098, Aim For God, Not For Good, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Goodness is a good thing. And it’s only natural to say that God is good. And, yet, describing God as good actually – on it’s own – devalues God, because He is so much more than just good! Yes God is good, but God is more than good and our word “good” can not describe enough of God’s goodness. It can only paint something of God. It is not the complete answer.
Andy B
S05E097, We Don't Want No Grey Areas, Andy B 2 Minute Video
I’ve worked alongside, or under, some great leaders in churches and in businesses, and voluntary organisations. And, sadly, I’ve also served around people who love to use their position to bully others and, the most successful approach I’ve seen to achieve this, is through creating grey areas of information and knowledge.
Andy B
S05E095, Brain Management, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Being busy can be a great feeling. It can make us think we’re doing better than others we may meet in our life. But, the problem with being busy is that busyness can soon become just the next thing on a to do list. And that is never good when it comes to the relationships that matter most to us.
Andy B
S07E003, Play the Hand You're Dealt, Endurance
This week, Steven and Nathan are looking into the idea of making the most of what we have in exercise and in life.
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
Steven & Nathan
S04E005, Places To Pray, Garden, Family Prayer Time
Peter and JoJo continue encouraging us to pray as a family by praying in different places. This time they’re in the Garden or yard or any outside space.
JoJo and Peter
Loved this chapter from a book written more than 100 years ago by a Welsh missionary to China.
"The brightest day in a man's life is the day on which the revelation of God as Father becomes a reality to the soul. Is God my Father? Then I know that He will never leave me, and that He can never forsake me.
Is God my Father? Then I know that there is no poison in the cup which He gives me to drink. It may be bitter, very bitter; but there is no poison in it, there is nothing in it to hurt me.
Is God my Father? Then, though nailed to a cross, I can trust Him, and will trust Him.
"Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." Such was His trust in God on His cross; and such shall be my trust in God on my cross. Jesus knew the Father perfectly, and trusted Him implicitly. He did so with regard to Himself, and He did so with regard to His mission and work. If He believed, why should I doubt? If He trusted in God, why should I hesitate to put my whole trust and confidence in Him?"
On Family Prayer Time last week JoJo and Peter were looking at places to pray, and praying in a car. Well, as part of a family car journey, they took their own advice!
The BerryBunch
@Berrybunchfamily, I've had similar thoughts. So grateful for the DD platform and have enjoyed the BTJ podcasts over and again.
The offer is authentic. 🤗 My husband, 4 sons and I live about 4 hrs south west of NYC. About 3.5 from Philly.
S05E090, Cut Your Losses, Andy B 2 Minute Video
I wonder if you’ve ever bought something that wasn’t cut what you wanted. Do we take it back, live with it, or bin it. I guess what we do will be somewhat dependent on what we bought and how expensive it was. We also might consider that the cost of returning it could outweigh the cost of having bought it.
I’ve been there more than once. I’ve also taken something back on principle, and lost money in the process.
We have to make decisions all the time and it can seem somewhat harsh to cutting our loss with people. Instinctively we feel that that is not a Christian thing to do.
And yet Jesus did it. And, what we see Jesus live out are life lessons we would be nothing short of arrogant to ignore. And He didn’t stop for everyone, sometimes to the surprise of His own disciples.
And, so, it is a very biblical principle to cut our losses.
Where do you need to cut your losses? Which relations...[READ MORE]...
Andy B
S04E005, Places to Pray, Car, Family Prayer Time
Peter and JoJo continue encouraging us to pray as a family by praying in different places. This time they’re in the Car, a place that can be stationary or on the move, but where you can be together and take time to pray.
They consider what we could pray whilst in the car or in any mode of transport you may be in as a family – including trains, planes, and buses.
Peter and JoJo challenge us to pray in the car, make it a habit to pray in the car and encourage us to take the time when travelling as a family to take time to talk, reflect and even have a time of devotion.
JoJo and Peter
60 Second Update, Issue 49
60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos, and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.
Family Matters Podcast
Family Matters Podcast is a podcast by the family, for the family. We have a special guest Andy Godfrey, who reviews recent movies, he shares the Good News Newspaper, and how you can reach non-Christians. We also have lots of great chat!
The New BerryBunch Shop
The BerryBunch now has a shop! Although you can’t buy anything, if you wish, you can donate to fund one of our current projects for however long you want. Or you can donate to help us keep the website free for another year. There are plenty of options if you would like to support the BerryBunch in some way.
The BerryBunch
Updates on Teresa's health.
Dear brothers and sisters,
My wife and I want to update you all on Teresa's health and we want to testify how great and powerful was God's intervention in Teresa's life.
As you know Teresa's clinical picture was very serious. For this reason Teresa was hospitalized for about a month.
But throughout this period she started to feel better and better until the doctors informed us that the acute phase had passed and she could continue the treatment at home.
At home Teresa continued to improve more and more and, at the last visit to the hospital, the doctors were amazed to see how well Teresa was. The pneumonia also passed completely. Glory to God.
We want to thank God for how He powerfully intervened in this situation and for how He practically showed us that God is powerful to nullify the sentences and words of men and that the last word on every situation is always God's.
Thanks for the prayers of you all. God bless you.
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Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch