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@sinbach This surely isn't about Covid. What is really going on in China? I feel for these people.

We lost connection with the Sri Lankan team. As internet is disconnected. please pray.

"2000 Mules" Free:
If you haven't seen this documentary on how the 2020 US presidential election was stolen, Anonymous Conservative gives four links where you can see it free.
If you have any interest in the US government, or in surveillance, it's worth a look.
Things I learned:

1. If you carry a sell phone, you are being tracked wherever you go, and this tracking info is saved and sold.
2. Thousands of people were hired to illegally collect and deposit ballots in ballot boxes on the street, stealing the presidential election. They make a pretty clear case for this just based on this one fraud method, although other funny things were also being done with voting machines etc.
3. There is video (required by law for election security) of the people dropping off numbers of ballots. If the state governments cared, the people carrying out these activities could be convicted based on the phone and video data.

Seriously, this felt like my day today.
Forgot credit card at restaurant, had to drive back 6 hours to get it.
Health insurance wants to drop us because we are not in China and wife needs both knees replaced.
Son in bootcamp calls today, but can't get through because WIFI is weak. So we missed our first call in 2 weeks.
US ESTA visa can't make distinguishing marks so my wife's security clearance to attend son's graduation in June won't go through because we don't know was one of the digits on the visa an "l" (little L) and "I" (capital I) or a "1"
I can identify with this pic so much today.

@weavers4jesus This is so sad. Right now my family and I are facing our second round of Covid. It's not fun, but I can't imagine the stress and difficulty of this type of response to an outbreak.

Jesus in modern day Israel, a novel "Yeshua" by Michelle Warren
"On sale" for $2.99, will go back to $4.99 maybe later today. She also has a trilogy on Jesus in her native New Zealand, with the first volume free.

Is a trend. A friend of hers spent the night. A boy called them bisexual. Evil abounds there..My girl goes to youth group. Shes a Christian.. Wears cowboy boots.. likes outside. Her birth mom is absent and has been for 10 years. Pray for her please. Homeschool? She needs to be around good kids .

I share this picture on social every year and every year it challenges me!

I have a friend in Shanghai. He’s been locked in his apartment for a long time. I think about three weeks now. Please pray that the people are released and set free soon. I’ve heard reports of some committing suicide. This is a common side affect of lockdowns. We’ve seen it across the world. Kids suffer the most. They get addicted to gaming and dads lose it on families, etc etc. Pray that Holy Spirit comes and invades those home with Massive Shalom bombs that give nothing it peace healing and Justice of the soul! Amen!!

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