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The science of vaccine is not settled. And to claim that a science is settled, is non-scientific at the core.

Prayer warriors โ€“ we need your prayers!
The Taliban is using sophisticated biometric equipment that they have captured from the military, and they are using it to go door-to-door to hunt down Christians.
BTJ is working with our hackers to develop a way to disable this equipment. It is a long shot, but our God is ABLE!
Prayers are desperately needed.

This is where we are. When we do things in our own strength and reject Christ, we do everything bassakwards

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Overcomer @tanjaostman

Forcing parents to sign up to a mandatory register (like sex offenders currently so in the UK) so the government can then force access to your home to inspect you, your family and your children, using non trained, non skilled government staff, with no accountability deliberately built in so you can't complain at anything they do to your or your children - all in order to determine if you're good enough to educate your children at home, using standards that home educating families would never use

The usual excuse for it? Safeguarding

despite there being lots of evidence that it will cause harm to children, not help them

It is a disgusting attack on freedom of speech and democracy

Especially when the vast majority of home ed parents do so because state education failed their child...only to be inspected based on state education standards

It is sickening ๐Ÿ˜ 

10 years ago they tried, and failed...I don't see it failing this time

We got word an hour ago of one of our pastors in Afghanistan, Pastor Siddique, was notified that his house now belongs to the Taliban and 'they know what he is doing.' His family has fled to the country side and others are also being threatened. We ask you to pray. CMM has already received some funds to send to them and other friends' groups working in Afghanistan like FAI and others. These are front line warriors risking their lives to share Jesus' love. As the Lord leads give at for rapid response fund or covert.

The Question No One is Asking
8 months ago, China launched 16 rockets into the sky to 'seed' the clouds and make it rain. And it rained! It was a success!
But are there side effects to manipulating weather?
BTJ partners with the underground church are currently helping the victims in the worse flood in 1,000 years. I am wondering - is this simply mother nature, is it due to climate change, or could it possibly have something to do with climate manipulation?

Got a message last night about about an urgent need in Afghanistan. The women we are helping are particularly vulnerable and need assistance.

How dangerous is the Gospel message?
BTJ's social media developer was kicked off Twitter
Taliban's social media manager has 300k Twitter followers and used Twitter to coordinate the capture of Kabul.

Children at Christian schools are being targeted.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
1,000 children have been abducted this year alone.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
More Christians were killed in Nigeria last year by Muslim gunmen than any other place in the world.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
I am doing a podcast with our Nigerian partner Olamide Olly Dawson today to learn more about what is happening and how we can raise the awareness with the Christian Body. NIGERIA - YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.

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