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She is talking about abuse of the aborigines in the northern territory of Australia. What's going on in all of 🇦🇺 Australia with their concentr... I mean quarantine camps is terrible!

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Was Jesus’ death an assisted suicide?

In a House of Lord’s debate on assisted suicide, Lord Vinson claimed that “Christ was put out of his agony by a kindly Roman centurion”

He seems to have missed the crucial detail that Jesus was already dead when pierced with a spear – proven by both the blood and water that came out.

In fact, Jesus turned down the offer of gall on the cross, which is likely a poison intended to relieve suffering.

Jesus ‘set his face’ towards Jerusalem and laid down his life to save us. But his death was no suicide – it was the unjust killing of an innocent man.

Assisted suicide attempts to avoid pain and suffering by risking the lives of many more vulnerable people.

But Jesus willingly suffered a painful death so that many others could live.


We believe in better care and support for those in the closing stages of life, and campaign against all forms of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Learn more:

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I’ve been having serious pain in my lower stomach. Having CT scan on Monday. Appreciate your prayers.

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Thanks my family for your prayers

I've just been out for a beautiful fall walk. 30 minutes, and pretty slow. But that's my first proper exercise in nearly 3 weeks! My legs are feeling it...but I feel great for getting out under my own power.

I've missed most of the really beautiful days and foliage. But saw some beauty in the nature near our home none the less

The leaves are on our driveway

The green path is actually a steep made me feel hopeful - tomorrow I will try a proper walk into the fields, and get some more exciting photos

Exciting to me, though, cos it represents the ability to breathe and walk 🙂

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This woman has been nominated to influence world banking and her proposals have the potential to make her the most dangerous person in the world in regards to Christian missions and most people have never heard of her.

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I'm outside the house 🙂
Walking to the local shop with @StevenBerry for a card and some dinner

It's an exciting moment for Me after two weeks never leaving the house...going to A&E doesn't count

Andy B

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One good thing I seem this last year and a half is some start taking their faith and beliefs in seriously

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some updates on our website and material creation of late!

we haven't disappeared. we are still here - but our website is having some bigger issues (with our hosting company)

so if it goes offline again, it will be quite possibly, semi-permanent - we have a solution, which we'll put in place in the next 36-48 hours and that will resolve things in the next week or two (hopefully much quicker!)

with recovery from Covid, and some other stuff, we're not working at our optimum right now

on top of prayers for Covid (we're mostly past that now, just getting our strength back), could you pray for the website stuff - it is stretching my brainpower, quite a bit, and has caused us quite a bit of stress when we could do without that

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had a little sleep...antibiotics must be doing something, because they're knocking me out within a couple of hours of taking one

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My Asian culture made me ask few questions. Forgive me if they are not appropriate in Western culture.

Samaritan woman went out sharing her story immediately. Man with legion of evil spirits was asked to go back / remain in Decapolis. A new believer may have to face many hardships while entering the Kingdom.
The new believer is staying with you for 11 months? I don't know the full story or background.
In our culture 3 months is the maximum we allow new believers to be dependent on the community or leader.

Finally, because we are led by the Spirit not flesh, traditions or legalistic traditions, you have the freedom to mentor new believers in your own way.
Praying for more and more souls to be added to your ministry.

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2nd pill taken of 5... Shame my appetite is so shot at the moment cos the scrambled eggs Steven made me are probably very nice

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