Urgent. Pray right away. I (mom) woke up to find Joshua laying beside me - in the middle of a seizure. His don’t shake. Instead he loses body control and can’t move or talk and his heart races etc. so they are basically silent with zero movement. And dangerous because of his type. Christina rushed to take over care of him while I went and mixed the emergency meds. Time is important.
We have given him his emergency medication. And see some small improvement already. But please pray if you see this.🥺🥺🥺🥺
Happy Sunday! ❤️ This Sunday morning I'm sat in church in total freedom... a full worship team on stage, the room full of people and the Word is being preached with no restriction. As I'm sat here, I can't help but think of our brothers and sisters around the world today who are totally unable to experience that same freedom. I pray I never become so distracted by my own comfort that my heart forgets to keep them in constant prayer.
This past week, more than a dozen Christians were arrested in China's latest house church raid. Keep the church and its members in your prayers 🙏🏼
The church and the Christian and the gospel are not so much concerned about removing the occasions for sin as removing from man the desire to sin.
“I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil…. Sanctify them” (John 17:15, 17).
Our Lord is saying in effect, “I am not so concerned that You should take the occasion for sin away, but that You should take out of the man the desire to take advantage of the occasion.”
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Gospel of Jesus Christ does not so much take the Christian out of the world as take the desires of the world out of the Christian.
A teenage mom in captivity. She needs our prayers.
“These young people in China get it. Despite persecution (real persecution, as in, some of their leaders and peers have been jailed for their Christian faith), they meet secretly in underground discipleship classes. Please pray that these young people will be used to transform society and expand the Kingdom of God in China and beyond” #WithinReachGlobal
“Precious souls sometimes fight tremendous battles in order to attain to righteousness in trying places. Perhaps the heart has become wrong in some matter where temptation has been allowed to overcome, or at least to turn it aside from its singleness unto God; and the conflict is a terrible one as it seeks to adjust itself and be right with God, and finds itself baffled by its own spiritual foes, and its own helplessness, perplexity and perversity. How dark and dreary the struggle, and how helpless and ineffectual it often seems at such times! It is almost sure to strive in the spirit of the law, and the result always is condemnation and failure.
Every disobedience is met by a blow of wrath, and discouragement, and it well nigh sinks to despair. Oh, if the tempted and struggling one could only understand or remember what perhaps he has learned before, that Christ is our righteousness, and that it is not by law but by grace alone. That is the secret of the whole battle.”
AB Simpson
Where will you spend eternity? https://youtube.com/watch?v=bnRSd5SdcsE
#followers_of_the_way #hell #heaven #charles #lawson #followers_of_christ #eternity #Bible #Jesus #Gospel #Repentance #Faith #Savior #KJV #spiritual #jesuschrist #christianity #faithful
Skeptics be taking the opportunity of #Lent, & approaching #GoodFriday and #ResurrectionSunday #Easter to slander against #Jesus and the #Bible, here's our #Christian #apologetics fact-checking on the skeptics with this specific attack: http://bit.ly/34dqN2i
A beautiful post about the power of intercessory prayer by a dear friend in Christ
In the gloom a light glimmers and glows.
We have received an invitation.
We are invited to make a pilgrimage—
into the heart and life of God.
The invitation has long been on public record.
You can hardly look anywhere across the human scene and not encounter it.
It is literally “blowing in the wind.”
A door of welcome seems open to everyone without exception.
No person or circumstance other than our own decision can keep us away.
“Whosoever will may come.”
Dallas Willard
What can we wish for more than "to know Christ and to be found in him?"
Jesus fills our conscience till it is at perfect peace;
our judgment with persuasion of the certainty of his teachings;
our memory with recollections of what he has done,
and our imagination with the prospects of what he is yet to do.
Charles Spurgeon
Another favourite holiness song
I have been reading Samuel L. Brengle on holiness recently which was on my mind today. Here is my thoughts in today's blog post.
Myanmar coup using AI to track protesters with facial recognition, also Uighers being tracked and persecuted. https://news.trust.org/item/20210318130045-zsgja
Hebrews 6:10
John 15:5
Retired pastor/teacher to inner city homeless/drug/alcohol addicted.