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The Countries With The Largest Number Of Buddhists

India. Though India was the origin of Buddhism, the population of the country today has 9,250,000 Buddhists, which amounts to a modest 1.8% of the country's population.
Other Countries With Large Buddhist Populations.
Also Know, what is the most Buddhist country? Chinese

Also asked, where is Buddhism mainly located?


Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka are the major Buddhist countries (over 70% of population practicing) while Japan, Laos, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam have smaller but strong minority status. New movements continue to develop to accommodate the modern world.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I know that God works all over the world. We have certain countries we pray for. I get excited to hear of things happening and I know some things can't be talked about for safety. And I also make myself available e the Lord each day. I want Him to use me.

A Fully Vaccinated Man Regrets His Decision

A man who had COVID twice and then decided to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine so he wouldn’t get it anymore has a message for those who are holding out against the vaccines: “Stand your ground.”

“I wish 100% I would never have gotten this vaccine,”
“Two weeks after my final vaccination I have had nothing but problems … physical problems I never had before, almost debilitating.

“Stand your ground. It’s all a big lie.”

Please continue to pray as the consignment of Bibles pass through narrow border gates today.

Ordaining 258 more harvesters into our CMM Global family in India believing for 100 million souls to know Jesus as Lord and Savior!

We got them, free of cost! Thank you for praying. We got 'those' Bibles for "that" country!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Thank you! He is doing much better now and no one in our family tested positive or became ill with it. Praise God!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter incredible. God works in the heart of the people. Praise God.

Please pray for my company to win a contract over the next week. The guys and girls have been fighting hard and fair to procure this work. Been wracking my brain on how to keep all the great workers working before a few other jobs kick off. This win would really help.

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