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Not sure how to turn the photo upright, but I found this song from an old childhood folder. In looking through the songs, I see in a new way how much these songs influenced my understanding of life. What are we giving to our children that will shape their lives? What are they reading? Listening to? Watching?

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter this is so sad and unbelievable! I will be praying for this man and his family.

One good thing I seem this last year and a half is some start taking their faith and beliefs in seriously

Thanks Bethany, at present my back has been strained again which makes movement difficult. This is my reward for years of manual lifting
jobs. @bethany

I'm outside the house 🙂
Walking to the local shop with @StevenBerry for a card and some dinner

It's an exciting moment for Me after two weeks never leaving the house...going to A&E doesn't count

Andy B

A former transgender man that lived as a woman for 8 years - UNTIL he found Christ.
He joins our podcast and shares this powerful testimony.

During last weeks strip club outreach we saw over 30 working girls & the clubs packed with farmers the Agritrade Show brought to town.(typically we meet 4-6 girls in a night)😔 Sex trafficking increases significantly around & during large events hosted by our cities. With that being said, we are collecting items & money to fill more gift bags for three more outreaches this year. If you feel compelled to help us with this outreach, shoot me a message.🇨🇦

This Sunday as you attend your home church, pls rejoice with us!
Another precious soul comes to Christ!

Thank you friends of for trusting us with sharing the Gospel also about taking care of physical needs of the believers.

Our Agriculture farms (small scale) and farm based businesses are doing very well, by the Grace of God!
We are not perfect yet, but aiming for excellence.
Though we don't follow "Perma culture, Agro forestry or No till farming and any specific methods ; we are blessed to see God restoring the soil and giving 100 fold yield.
We were able to buy dozens of hoes and spades for our associates. Seed saving programs are huge success in forest villages.

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