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True Story: One night at 3AM in 1988, Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwo'ole had an unshakeable idea. He called a local studio and begged them to open it for him. He knew that this kind of inspiration comes only once in a life time.

A very tired friend opened the studio and Israel recorded "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" in one single take.

Israel died in 1997, but this song continues to bless millions.

If God's inspiration graces you, even for a moment, NEVER let it pass you by. Especially the 3 AM kind. It may only come once in a life time and for that, tomorrow is your enemy.

There is always tomorrow might be the greatest lie the enemy ever told the people of God. Start living your inspired life today. Do not delay, even if you have to call the studio manager and get them out of bed and remind them of the inspiration that made them start the studio in the first place.

A group of leaders with 'no names carried 200 copies of Sunday School curriculum to a town with 'no names' .

Will you please pray for them?
Children's ministry workers training to bring a great harvest of souls.

Note: The people do have names and the places are notorious for persecuting believers, so .....

My family and team members are doing well! Did well ! One of the busiest week of the year.
(Representative picture).
Thank you for your prayers!

Please don't judge us, we bought stuff from the black market/flea market!
We bought the most powerful weapon, Bible.
It seems someone 😕 hid Bibles meant for distribution and offered at a very low price. We bought them for the newly diptized believers.
Comments welcome.

Our calculations went wrong!
Expecting much more than the actual number reported.
Please pray for safety and protection of believers.

"If you think tough men are dangerous, wait till you see what weak men are capable of." - Jordan Peterson

Uh oh! a new package arrived with our latest BTJ hackers Bible!!!!
move over hologram Bible....this is a game changer. 🥸

May the Spirit of God move through our streets convicting of sin, righteousness and judgement those who:
-live by their own law and rule through fear and violence
-use distrust and misbeliefs to undermine relationships
-prey on the weak

And may our streets be restored to righteousness (Isa. 58:12).
In Jesus name we ask.

Unreached ethne: Arora, Boya, Bambara, Kyrgyz, Kalal, Kuruba, Dhanuk, Balinese, Berber, Adi Karnataka, Kurd, Pinjara, Mochi, Vaddar, Kalwar, Bagdi, Kumhar, Namasudra, Bairagi, Rajput, Shilha, Jogi, Zerma, Malay, Moor, Palembang, Palestinian

Not Dead Yet: Beauty, business, and faith at Saddleback Leather (Faith & Co)

Got my ticket to BTJ VoP conference in Dallas!

Update from Mark's daughter - The reports of my father (Mark) just came now... Nothing but a miracle. I have no words to thank you for your prayers.

Its a grade 1 tumor. Tho rare, its small and slow growing...

Nothing to worry... But it has to be removed soon as it could become cancerous..

Thanks a million once again for praying..

But plz continue to uphold him in ur prayers for the upcoming surgery to remove this tumor. 🙏🏼

Arrested for bringing beef to school. Please pray people may be sensitive to religious beliefs and practices.

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