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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Thank you friends for your prayers. Situation is still unpredictable and volatile.

We lost connection with the Sri Lankan team. As internet is disconnected. please pray.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter so glad to got to talk to him! What a blessing that you guest that could translate!

Hey, People of encouraged! 😍
“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
— Hebrews 1:9

MARIAM WILL BE SHARING HER STORY in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania

Update on "Andrew"
In the middle of the day his father sent us a message saying Andrew had used a friend’s phone to send the internal phone number of the deportation center, where we could call him.  
After multiple tries, and testing out different ​languages with whomever it was that answered, at last we got him on the phone! The relief of that initial phone call was tremendous for everyone.   
As chance would have it, we had a guest in our house that night who spoke Dari and was able to help us translate the call. It was a good thing too because Andrew was very chatty, with so much to process. We talked for 20 mins and mostly it was him talking nonstop, trying to get out as much information as possible.  

We informed him about the lawyer process, assuring that he would not be deported, and that we were working our hardest to get him out.  
Please continue to pray for Andrew.

@tymektt while not quite the same, somebody kindly gifted us some money to purchase some BerryBunch branded t-shirts.

Jo collected them this morning ☺️

Andy B

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Thank you. Team leader's wife was in the hospital, she is recovering.

Abortion Will Be Aborted!
Pray for the unborn! We are at a critical crossroads in the US. The only hope for this world is Jesus.

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