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@daniel thanks for asking, we are not affected or is both our families. I feel so bad for those that are in the flooding areas. We got fresh snow in the mountains and warm weather on the way, sooooo, things will probably get a little worse before getting better.
Thank you for thinking of us!!

@sinbach I was so excited to read this earlier today. I started jumping around and praising the Lord. My 8 year old asked me what was going on and told me I was acting crazy. I replied that, "Yes, I am acting crazy." Then I told him about this report and he was excited too. I can't seem to find an emoji good enough for this report. It makes my heart burst with joy. God is sooo good!

PTL! A couple thousand eBibles hidden from secret police. They move into country RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSE. 🙏🙏🙏

Boarding a flight to Switzerland after 2 amazing days with my youngest in Texas.
I'm so proud of what he has done and filled with hope for what the Father has for his future.

Hallelujah! The intercessor is back to business! The 24 x 7 prayer he is building up continued their intercession for the Nations, even in his absence.

Stent removed. Please continue to pray for his wife, who has hearing challenges and other ailments. Children are in High School. Especially for continuous flow of finances and a permanent place for them to stay and continue their ministry.

Pictures and places are representative only!

"Please pray for a small team traveling to an Island for multiplying skills they learned from team members".

Out of 142 eggs 78 hatched.

Thank you for praying, the house had electricity (with some fluctuations) 24 x 7 !!!
We don't have other power back ups like Solar power or battery inverter. However we have powerful backup of prayer warriors like you.

Pray that the eggs and meat will feed Elijah's and widows of Zarephath.

History is being made.
Several among a 0% Christian people group in the Middle East have just come to Jesus and were baptized by Forge ambassadors!!

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