@tanjaostman Oh no problem sharing the quote! I think it's good to bring things to light. Like you, I also thought the same about Jordan Peterson, but now I think he's diverting conservative people away from God's Truth in a cunning way. Anyway, Here's a short 'cider of doom' clip that made me think he was accustomed to lying. Not nice when you respect someone and that person turns out to be not who you thought he was. :( youtube.com/watch?v=z22Ju7u2K1

Russell Brand having a go "The Great Reset: Is Billionaire 'Philanthropy' Just Tax Avoidance?"

"The balance tipped in 2000, when the Institute of Policy Studies in the US reported that 51 of the largest economies in the world were corporations, and 49 were national economies." youtube.com/watch?v=zw0nYNMUIf

@tanjaostman I like what he says here, but I don't trust Jordan Peterson. His "cider of doom" told me he was a liar.

@Yahbut I don't wear a mask, my stance is to stay normal and happy, I shop and talk with people with a smile. They see me smile, it says a million words! I do this partly to see what it might be like when the mark of the beast comes.

PRAYER NEEDED: We were driving down the main street in our town here in China, when I saw a man, completely naked IN THE WINTER COLD! He was lifting a very large public metal garbage can and banging it on the ground. We immediately turned our van around to go help.When we got to him there was a crowd of 100+ spectators. Not one helping. Not one in position to help women and children if he ran towards them. Just videoing and laughing. I wept over this afterwards. I walked up to him and saw bruises on his back.He was crouching at the time and was attempting to lift the metal garbage box above him. I immediately told him her was loved and called him a friend. He stoppped. He let me take his cut bleeding hands off the box. Suddenly he sobered up mentally and started to speak English. We only exchanged a few words and the police arrived.he panicked and yelled “please don’t take my life” over and over as they forced him into a police car. Pray for him. For Salvation. For Jesus!

It dawned on me the other day, that power is in the name of Jesus, and Jesus alone. So I decided to pray for Ru Paul, the abominable drag queen. I don't know him, I don't care to know him, except the part of him that God will save. He was born of a mother, he was a little boy, he's God's creation. Imagine the courage it will take Ru Paul to "come out of the closet" with no make up or dress, and proclaim that Jesus saved him. Power is in the NAME of Jesus. I pray that Ru Paul's conversion will glorify His name, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

My husband's been getting into making sourdough bread. Simply mixing flour and water and exposing it to the air activates it, because "yeast is in the air" !! Food is alive! Unlike highly processed foods, like... what in the world is Bill Gates getting into with this fake meat stuff??

Our family computer's been down for a while, which has actually been kinda nice. No dealing with "mummy I want to watch something!" (on Youtube) and me stressing about every decision of what's appropriate and what's not!

If the virus is coming for me and my family I'd prefer that, when it does come, it finds us living like human beings ought—not trapped in our houses like lonely prisoners fearing we might catch a virus.

My pastor said last Sunday, "there seems to be a lot of bad things going on recently, but the enemy is trembling!" So it is! I see a frantic dragon whipping its tail about "because he knows his destruction is near."

@Lindseyay Not sure if we did the pancake day right, we had 3 days of eating pancakes they were so good! Loving this homeschooling time too. I feel closer to my kids. x

I'm staying clear AWAY from hospitals. "Longer-term, microscopic machines could be injected into the bloodstream to make small incisions, repair damage, or sense and collect data. These mini-robots could be propelled by tiny motors, which would be powered by chemical reactions." bbc.co.uk/news/science-environ

@weavers4jesus The Lord told me to put scripture cards into mailboxes of Muslim populated areas in the UK. One of the scripture cards featured John 17, which is the last prayer by Jesus. I felt John 17 was too precious to give to people who don't respect Jesus, and I prayed "why do I need to give these to them? They don't even know you!" Then the Lord told me "I prayed for them also."

Dear Father, dweller of my temple,

Please give me the mind of Christ and make my body a temple of the spirit of holiness which is his.

Make me holy through and through. May my whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless by your power until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I trust you to do this because you are the one who has called me, and you are faithful.

Why hasn't "feet washing" taken hold? Or has it sometime somewhere, and I'm not aware of it? My husband and I wash each others feet sometimes. It's brought us blessings.

Give me oil in my lamp keep it burning
Give me oil in my lamp I pay
Give me oil in my lamp keep it burning
Keep it burning 'til the break of day

Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings!

Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna to the King!

-----I was happy to hear children singing this at a school, I wondered whether they knew what they were singing about?

Knock knock
Who's there?
Amos who?

Knock knock
Who's there?
Ana who?
Ana-ther mosquito


@Pedro The more you engage, the easier it becomes to figure it out. check out timeline, follow those you like, make posts, etc. Best wishes.

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