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@Asianking I with pray for their salvation but I will also pray for the future baby chicks and that the seeds will produce abundantly filling both tummy's and souls!

@Asianking this brings me so much joy!!! A beautiful grateful heart knows where his help comes from!! What a blessing! Thank you for this picture!

@Rinati I'm not a hat person but this one fills my heart with joy! What a cool way to open doors to share the Lord, his love and the work he is doing through BTJ!

Please pray for mama. She may not live till the morning.

@Olamide I will be praying the Holy Spirit on the hearts of those that gather, may the Lord bless every word spoken with fire to penetrate the hardest heart!!

@Olamide The Lord know his children and meet their needs... Who needs this world's " riches"

California Baptist church given $10k dollar fine for meeting and singing (yes they were fined extra for singing).
Burning down buildings, smashing cars, attacking residents, injuring police officers = peaceful protests.
Praying and singing together = Dangerous activity? $10k fine???

@Lindseyay that looks yummy!! So...... Is chocolate apart of this diet?? 😊

@Asianking @sinbach I life a peaceful western life at times in feel worthless in comparison to all you faithful workers. I'm in constant prayer for all of you. I will send support to BTJ gatekeeper. I'm fulfilling my promise to my dad to watch over and can for Mom (90 years old) I'm with all of you with my whole heart and want to learn more so my prayer life can also grow. God bless and keep you.

Massive floods have killed over 100 in Afghanistan. We have sent aid this month to help BTJ mission partners in Afghanistan.

@Olamide that's a lot of back work!! What a beautiful church it will be! Made with love and filled with love! I pray abounding faith & miracles will happen for the people and all for the glory of our sweet Jesus!

@Miracle17 such a special Lil guy! Our business used to give helicopter ride to "Project Hope" kids. Kinda like Make a Wish. I lift you and all parents of special needs children to the Lord. You all are beautiful.

@Asianking I just read/ prayed Psalms 91. One of my favorites!! It says so much more to my heart since I've been awaken to BTJ and my brothers and sister serving our Lord!!

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