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@Olamide Amen!
Be Strong
Be Brave
Be Courageous!
Do Not Fear!!

@Asianking that is a new definition to a full bus! I wouldn't want to be the driver!! I pray for a safe trip!

@Olamide 🤣🤣 something similar happened to me at my Grandpa funeral, not a twin but enough to scare me to death as grandpa's brother walked towards me with arms out for a hug!!!

@Olamide it's so hard when ppl argue about their church being right and others are "way off"
I agree with you that love should always be the center of all we do. Walk in the light as He walks in the light.
I pray you get (much needed) rest. Thank you for your service to Christ.

@Lindseyay I will do that! I think I need the cute lil prayer (bear ?) guy to cuddle too 😊

@Asianking yes, I will pray. Being from a large family it was, " all hands on deck" work was a large part of family time that my parents always made fun.

@Lindseyay great!! My granddaughter turns 3 in a couple months so I'll buy the package for her. Thanks for your help!

@zudn so precious! I'll pray the Lord will keep this sweetie safe and will grow up strong & healthy

@Rinati ok, sounds good. I wasn't sure if it was geared more for the children who's parents are in prison or apart of the underground church... Which of course she would be far too young to understand. Thanks.

I'm considering buying the children's books at BTJ store. (I have a 3 year old granddaughter) I'm wondering if the books would be age appropriate...

@Asianking I so enjoy the posts and pictures of aquaponics and catching rain water and the fish ponds, all such great ideas with amazing results. I'm a gardener, I love to have dirt on my hands and watching seeds grow into food I can share.( My garden is way bigger than I need) but not big enough for a sharing ❤️. Thank you for the pictures.

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