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*Andrew (name changed for security) is an Afghan teenage believer from the Pashtun tribe with a death threat on his life to join the Taliban. During the US evacuation last summer he was separated from his family and fled Afghanistan which landed him up in Istanbul Turkey illegally where he was rescued by our own A n B couple.took Andrew into their home and have been working on getting him the documentation he needs to reunite with his family and go to the US for school. Last week while A n B were out in eastern Turkey, the police located Andrew in Istanbul, took him into custody and moved him to another eastern city in what appears to be a deportation effort. Andrew is currently in a city near the Iran border
Would you urgently join us in praying (and mobilizing prayer) that the Lord would intervene and rescue Andrew from being deported or abducted and returned back to A n B's home. Let’s pray that the plans the Lord has for Andrew’s life would be fulfilled!

We lost connection with the Sri Lankan team. As internet is disconnected. please pray.

"We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killing, wars, or of hatred....if a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?" - Mother Teresa

Happy 92nd birthday to this awesome mother of 8 who has the ability to wear so many hats to help, aid and comfort anyone within her reach!
Taking her shopping is a hoot! She's willing to try anything once and laughs so easily!
Mom, I love you beyond measure! I pray God gives you many more years of incredible health!

From my book “Sketches and Reflections.”

JOIN Us for PRAYER AT THE HEART OF NEW MEXICO, Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, 10am-4pm MY @ Sloan-Simpson Park in Corona, NM, INVITE Others + SPREAD THE WORD & PRAY We need Prayer Teams from ALL 33 Counties to come from ALL 4 Corners of the state and from N, E, W & S to meet in the center of NM for a solemn assembly/holy convocation, a day of prayer, worship, praise, communion and fellowship with ALL the saints of New Mexico!

Happy Easter to all my lovely DD family!
Sins washed away & we have been set free!
Let us walk in the light as he walks. I pray for all our friends and relatives that do not as of yet know Christ that by the glory that Christ shines through us they too will give their life to him.

Bundle up and have a picnic!
The sun was in and out and a little cooler than we wanted to admit but what a good day we had with my mom!

Last year all my wonderful DD brothers and sisters were praying for my daughter and granddaughter to survive an extremely different delivery. Today Kynlee turned one and she is beautiful and healthy and so is my daughter.
I thank God for DD! A place that brings us together from around the world to love and hold each other up in prayer. Praise God for saving the life of this tiny child that has my heart wrapped around her tiny finger!

My Mom loved this book! She is going to give it to her church library.

Please pray for Miss.Y, student in a safe country. Father pastoring a Church and leading people to Christ in a hostile community.

Please pray for my husband this weekend he feels led to share the gospel with a few specific people. Thanks!! 🙏🏻

An average of 200 Children go missing in India every day

In 2019, about 73,138 children were reportedly missing. This means that an average of 200 children were reported missing each day and 8 each hour. The concerning aspect of this is that 71% of this number are girls. Girls made up 52,049 missing cases in 2019 while boys accounted for 21,074 cases. It has also been reported that 15 transgender children went missing in 2019. Compared to 2018, the total number of cases of missing children increased by almost 9%. The number of missing boys increased by 6.5% while that of missing girls increased by over 10%.

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