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@sinbach I read the reasons but it was on words not a video I though was forthcoming. Good article!

@sinbach Where is the podcast that tells the Real Reason the Talibán is back in power. Everything I have touched here gave me something else.

@JeremiahKranig Thank you. Father in heaven. May the healing hand of Jesus being healing to Robin. May the Holy Spirit be her Divine Comforter and Companion and my she sense His constant presence in her heart. Thank you. Amen. Thanks so

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@asewest **Lord, you know the situation of Christina. Be a real a companion to her and let her consciously sense the presence of God with her. Move on Christopher how you know you should. Free him from the chains that bind him and bring your peace and calm to his agitated mind and soul. Be with with Mom and Dad give them wisdom and bring comfort. Thank you that you care for us and care for both the big and the little concerns of our life. Amen.

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The Question No One is Asking
8 months ago, China launched 16 rockets into the sky to 'seed' the clouds and make it rain. And it rained! It was a success!
But are there side effects to manipulating weather?
BTJ partners with the underground church are currently helping the victims in the worse flood in 1,000 years. I am wondering - is this simply mother nature, is it due to climate change, or could it possibly have something to do with climate manipulation?

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Praying family, I just found out my cousin's daughter was just diagnosed with the same condition (teratoma) that my daughter had. She is almost 8 years old. Please pray for her and for her family as well. My 10 year old daughter is continuing to recover at an amazing speed. It's truly an answer to prayer and blessing from our Heavenly Father. We are so grateful!

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We reach a stage where our ship no longer sails the high seas of life, but is in harbour, anchored securely to Christ. Yet our spirit still sails far and wide in prayers.

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@DevotionalTreasures Lord touch our brother. Guide the doctor with wisdom and help our brother’s body to respond in healing. Thank you. Amen.

MiBurrito boosted

Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

@DevotionalTreasures Amén. It is Jesus Himself, living in a surrendered heart, conquering sin and temptation and manifesting the nature of Christ throughout our person. His holiness can conquer all within us.

MiBurrito boosted

Dear Father God we intercede for our brother mentioned by Bethany. Lead him in your service glorifying Your name, but please keep him safe from harm and the authorities. Bring him safely home when his work is done. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen.

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