Lord Jesus, help us!
@OilPainter That IS something that sounds like Communist China or Russian KGB! Chicago is about 3 hours from us.
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Is there a difference between the heart of the Democratic party and the Bolsheviks? https://disrn.com/news/chicago-mayor-mounts-police-raid-on-black-churchs-sunday-service?fbclid=IwAR1HMsB5SFss3LsRHmI9md8CSkkmOB75RFl2iYlzD9n9m4a0P0iHSeEJYCY
@sinbach Is there a female version?
Hard to believe that Thomas Sowell is 90!!https://youtu.be/9boQrCPwMws
@sinbach It seems like sometimes he speaks his own mind and then other times, he is told to get back on script.
@sinbach Great idea!!
@167am2 I was just reading this today. Jeremiah's situation and prophecies mean more to me now than ever before.
@Olamide I pray that Nigeria will start to protect its best citizens with an army that will fight for what is right!
@sinbach What do you mean?
@xixiangdong I believe this was all fulfilled in Jesus's time. He was the insignificant stone, cut without hands who toppled that evolving kingdom that went from Nebuchadnezzar through Rome.
He was the stone the builders rejected which became the very Cornerstone. He (that stone, Jesus) has grown and grown and is filling the whole earth.
@Trayl The Lord sits in the heavens and laughs at their schemes.
100 police agencies refuse to protect DNC - the ones who want to defend them!😂
@sinbach 😜