@Olamide I take this PERSONALLY πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@bethany @Olamide @Berrybunchfamily but an honest question, why are you driving on the wrong side of the road? I wouldn't stand everybody driving on the wrong side if I would visit England and drive on the right side.

@tanjaostman @Olamide well see now "wrong" is very subjective .. my question is why is everyone else driving on the wrong side of the road when we're over here driving on the correct side of the road? πŸ€”

@bethany @Olamide Ok, I surrender! Do as you want! Don't want to become your enemy because you do things differently over there... πŸ˜‚

@tanjaostman @bethany @Olamide

Do you mean because we do things correctly over here? πŸ˜‚ 🀣

@tanjaostman @Olamide I'm sorry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the Brit in me refuses to accept that we're wrong and it's actually just everyone else who is the problem... but you're actually right. It would be much easier if we joined most of the world on the right side of the road but here we are

@bethany @tanjaostman Me thinks you are RIGHT....and that's Super!
RIGHT on!!!

@bethany @tanjaostman @Olamide in 1967, Sweden did what our backward friends in Britain should have done years ago and switched over from Left to Right side to get in line with the rest of the world. Sweden read the writing on the wall and changed over, hiring 150,000 traffic assistants to help remind people which side of the road to drive on. It was called "H" day to stand for "hΓΆger" which means "Right" in Swedish. This was a big deal because Sweden's big car makers - Volvo and Saab also had to change.
Not easy, but worth it.

@sinbach @tanjaostman @Olamide but whyyyy? Driving on the left works perfectly well - why fix something if it isn't broken. Consider your "hint" acknowledged and dismissed

@sinbach @tanjaostman @Olamide (also I managed to write a car off driving on the left... who knows what would happen if I suddenly had to drive on the right πŸ˜‚)

@bethany Sweden shares borders with Finland, Norway, and Denmark with lots of cross harbor travel with Germany and Estonia -who ALL drive on right side.
It's about adapting to the rest of the world so that international drivers in England and English drivers in rest of the world can be safer during travel.

@sinbach you make the mistake of bringing rational reasoning to this debate. I like driving on the left, okay? Let me be happy

@sinbach @bethany @Olamide thanks for the old film clip! It would be interesting to know if there was a temporary rise in traffic accidents. I remember when they changed our currency from mark to euro. 1 euro was about 6 marks. I felt like a child, because the new numbers told me nothing. For a couple of years I had to count. And learned the 6 times table... very well. πŸ˜‚

@tanjaostman @bethany @Olamide I'm with Bethany!!!!!!! πŸ˜‚

I drove for a week or so in Spain once - such a strange thing to be on the wrong side of the road

Left is correct = right

Right = wrong

Wait, I'm confused...what were we talking about again

Andy B

@bethany πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜›

@Olamide Good joke. I like the play on languages, accents.and regional dialects of a language.

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