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How did we learn about the dimensions, lay out, and design of the Jewish Temple in our house?
Chapter 12
Lie #6: The Final Lie
The lie I tell because I have kind of believed
it my entire life until I moved to China and
started working with the underground house
church is that ministry MUST be a full-time paid
As Christians in the West, we kind of feel—even
if we do not say it—that if you have a side job to
take care of your family while doing ministry it is
because you are not very good at ministry.
But Christian ministers should not be any dif￾ferent from regular people. We should all know
the joys of faking an illness and calling in sick to
get the day of of work. The misery of Monday
mornings should be shared by everyone. Pastors
are no exception.
In some ways, Christians have declared a war
on work, as if there were a law against hard la￾bor. Unfortunately, pastors would need to have a
union to have such a law.
If we are in the ministry, we shun regular jobs.

This morning is a SPECIAL morning.
I ran in my son's shoes this morning.
This morning as he is preparing to graduate from the oldest private military university in the US, I took a jog in his shoes.
I bet he has ran many many miles in these old, worn out, muddy shoes for training, PT, training other cadets, and for the US Marine Corps PFT.
These are the shoes he wore as he carried the burden of high physical standards for one of the most prestigious private military officer training schools in the world.
He is the first in my family to ever achieve this honor.
I feel that the shadow beside me in this photo is fitting because my son has surpassed my example and is no longer trying to fill my shoes, but instead, this morning I am standing in the shadow of his shoes.

From my book “Sketches and Reflections.”

: 1 year ago this day we wrote " Sermon Illustration: Water Connect Puzzle and Harmonization of Doctrines and Contradictions"

Please pray for these precious people. No one should ever be forced to live like this! Imagine being crushed to the point where suicide feels like your only or best option. God do what only You can do 🙏🏻

Jet lagged, it's dark and snowing outside, and I just finished watching Casablanca for the first time.
Why has NO ONE EVER told me about this movie?!

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