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History is being made.
Several among a 0% Christian people group in the Middle East have just come to Jesus and were baptized by Forge ambassadors!!

Amazing Testimony of Holy Spirit Speaking-Long Distance Non-Verbal Comms!
You are loved with His everlasting love! Listen to this and ask the Holy Spirit how He wants you to grow in your encounters and knowledge and revelation of His whispers, His voice, His voice speaking through your voice so we may encourage each other more and bless many! Ask Him and let me know what He shows you in the days ahead to confirm your supernatural identity in Christ!

Related to me yesterday he definitely has Jesus in his heart and believes he is healed of cancer. He is returning to Berlin to have the doctors that diagnosed his. Cancer confirm his healing.

My post today at is about the Apostle Paul’s resurrection and his determination

I love you Europe, but seriously - could we PLEASE AGREE that 1st Floor is FIRST FREAKING FLOOR - NOT SECOND FLOOR?
I love you and am telling you this as a friend.
First floor is first floor.

The saddest part about downsizing!
.....throwing out books.

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