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"Paperback copies of my first book have arrived"

Andy B is very happy as he is now able to hold in his hands real life copies of his first ever published book. He is rather excited!

Have your bought yours yet?

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The BerryBunch

We lack power in the Western Church today because many of us still struggle with believing God loves and accepts us. We fear retribution for failure and making mistakes. We cannot operate in power in authority when we fear mistakes. Why? Because no one has trained us in spiritual warfare, the only way to learn is to begin trying.

To become warriors for God's Kingdom, we must have a deep enough trust in God's grace to know that He will catch us when we fall. Only then will we have the courage to try and fail until we succeed.

My earthly father was gracious with my mistakes, which gave me the courage to try new things. Our Heavenly Father is much more generous than my earthly Dad.

Let's go do try things. Make mistakes and learn from them.

No more bleacher critics. We need missionaries and pioneers.

Heal the sick
Raise the dead
Cast out demons
As you go, proclaim that the Kindom of God is here

Thank you to all those who prayed for Miss.Y.
Copying a message she sent to a team member.
"Hello Uncle,
Report is normal.
I just have to take medicine (for reducing the swelling) . Will have to visit hospital after three days".

Follow me for more great tips and recipes.😂 😂 Stops the Cause of Your Back Pain so you get Permanent Back Pain Relief. Proper ergonomics, back stretches and systemic enzymes heal and soothe your spinal joints and discs so you have greater range of motion without pain. Not only stops but reverses your lower back pain. Natural anti inflammatory pain relief with ergonomic posture and muscle balance therapy gives you a life that is free from back pain.

My trip to Africa has been delayed and I have been livid. The delay changed all of my plans and cost extra money - BUT! Then today - I had a divine meeting that was NOT planned with a team of Chinese serving in the Middle East that I have not seen in years. Our travel paths crossed for only a moment and now sooooo many opportunities have opened up because of that one.single.meeting.
Not my plans - but Gods
HOWEVER - it would be cool if He at least gave me a heads up. ????

Arranged Marriages in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and South Asia. It is estimated that 80 percent of all marriages in South Asia are arranged by the bride and groom's parents. Many future spouses have never meet each other before they are introduced by their parents. Even so arranged marriages have a very high success rate.

We can all talk about the failures of “the Church” in the West. But “the Church” is us. We are called to do the works of Jesus. No more pointing the finger at ministries and pastors. Jesus commissioned us, you and me, to do the work. Let’s just do it.

Here's our outline on an introduction to , including five reasons to learn and use apologetics:

BTJ Director packing up aid for Ukraine.
100% of everything that has been donated for Ukraine through BTJ GOES to Ukraine.

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