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A pair of lovely goldfinches are busily building a nest just outside one of our windows. These are two ridiculously pretty little birds with perfectly defined bands of golden yellow and glorious red!

What a joy to see them beavering away looking as beautiful as God intended them to look, building their nest, with not a care in the world - even the wind we have today is blowing them all over the place, and yet they sit on a small branch, steady as a rock. What a reminder to be peaceful amongst the winds of life.

It reminds me of Matthew 6:26-34 (NLT)
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?...and so much more heavenly wisdom

Andy B

Today is his FINAL FINAL EXAM! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉
My son graduates university NEXT WEEK!

I need to share this - celebration time:
I've just published a unique thing.
Audiobook based on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his confrontation with the spirit of the antichrist of his time - Adolf Hitler.
From Dietrichs' experience written by himself and number of authors comes out a set of 12 lessons for the Church today.
The whole thing is called:
"AND WHEN THE ANTI-CHRIST ARISES ... 12 lessons of resistance in times of insidious persecution. Based on the life and testimony of Pastor Bonhoeffer."
Presented by a dear friend of mine - Fabian Blaszkiewicz

Is it any surprise that this guy will be going into a Special Warfare unit as an explosive expert?

@tanjaostman yes, I've been kicked off FB and that includes FB messenger. anyone that sends me messages, I can't see them.

@tanjaostman you are right. this is the first time I have ever commented on her because 1, she has issues and 2 she was a child, but now that she is no longer a child, her behavior is open for criticism.

...public that is unless the church is forced underground...

Brother Yun starts his tour in Sweden tonight preaching in Södertälje! Does your neck hurt all the time or sound like coconuts knocking every time you move your head? Neck Pain can be the early warning signs of degenerative Neck Arthritis or Cervical Spondylosis. Treating it holistically and early can prevent permeant damage and keep your neck properly aligned and pain free for the long haul. When you can treat it naturally you can prevent stiff neck, hunched neck and permanently fused discs. It actually can help your whole body posture and protect all your joints as well.

Thanks to Why?Outreach for making this meme of our article answering the skeptics' attack with this objection:

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