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Andy H boosted
Urgent Need For A Well In Uganda-Save Lives, Help People Live Longer, and Avoid Risk of Crime and Sexual Abuse.
Our goal is to raise these funds by October 4th.
The cost in Uganda currency is UGX 32,500,000 or in USD $8,800. Pray and ask the Lord what is His best gift for you to give to bless these precious friends in Uganda.

We in the West take safe water for granted too often. In Nsoola Namutumbe District, Uganda, clean water sources are scarce, and communities often rely on contaminated water from rivers, ponds, or open wells. This risk exposes children and families to waterborne diseases: diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which can be life-threatening, especially for young children.
This lack of access to clean water often forces children to stay at home to collect water or suffer from waterborne illnesses. By having this well, children can attend school regularly, improving their educational outcomes and future prospects.

Andy H boosted

Bibles Delivered !
There was a big demand for Bibles in a 'specific' language. That too from a Buddhist restricted country.
Many students and professionals willingly purchased it from our volunteers.

The whole operation needed just simple faith and willingness to go to jail (if caught).
Thank you for your prayers 🙏

Andy H boosted

A teenager is admitted in the hospital with Typhoid, Viral fever and other complications, please pray for her healing 🙏

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Andy H boosted

The spirit of rejection is the most common demon I've encountered. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't deal with this spirit at some level.
What causes humans to feel rejected in childhood?

1. A lack of attention from parents
2. Being given up for adoption
3. Comparison of siblings
4. Harsh or outspoken parental criticism
5. A parent's lack of interest in listening to the child or lack of interest in the child’s activities.
6. Over-protection
7. Excessive control or manipulation
8. Abandonment
9. Material things in place of love.
10. A broken home or divorce.

A parent who feels not good enough (rejected) will produce children who feel rejected.

Hurt people, hurt people.
Free people, free people.

Do you or your children need freedom from rejection today?

Andy H boosted

and we now have a Studio B - at our satelite recording hub. that's getting prepared for the start of October and a new presenter starting here at our global online radio station Pure 24/7 Radio (loved the comments from people from multiple locaitons in England, bonnie Scotland and even Montana in the USA)

today was a mostly good day. my first show went well - did I mention I was Live, solo, for 3 hours?!? well, that happened today and I loved every single second of it.

sadly palpitations kicked in at 5pm, but i managed to keep going until they finally subsided after 8pm a nd it seems no one noticed, 'cos i managed to finally do what my cardiologist told me to do and to ignore them - even while broadcasting Live 🙂 .

our News on the hour issue is seemingly resolved so, from tomorrow, it should get back to normal and should auto-update itself merrily without intervention...we will see...

day one? good. day two ? bring it on!

Andy B

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42% of children under 5 are anaemic

70% of the reported disease burden in Bhutan is caused by non-communicable-diseases
650,118 population

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Andy H boosted

This is a news-site in Swedish that tells about how in Germany the leftist green party have introduced sexrooms for children in the daycare. The aim is that kids can use the rooms for masturbation and for exploring their genitals to eachother and to play sexgames.

I also heard that WHO is suggesting masturbation in the daycare for kids between 0-4 years.

Nothing will protect the kids from pedophiles after this. 😭

Please come soon Lord Jesus!🙏🏻

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meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains,

Please pray for volunteers who are transporting 'materials ' related to their present project!

Andy H boosted

Everyone should listen to this. Satn rit. are real and far too common. Trigger warning for survivors of SRA.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Welcome to Pure 24/7 Radio

We are Pure 24/7 Radio - Everyone's cup of tea.

Andy H boosted

Our is 11 years young!
We feed the fishes home made flat bread, selected leaves from the garden, occasionally Duck weed. No external input everything is local and sustainable.
We grew 'everything' under the sun in these 11 years. Ever heard of Date palm growing in water ? Rose blooming just with Nitrites from the fishes? Tuber crops doing well under the growbed gravel?
opened more doors for us, than we could imagine!

Andy H boosted
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