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Andy H boosted

Fast Monday! 🔥 🙏

Every Monday until Christmas, we are fasting and praying for revival, salvation, deliverance and healing. Will you join us?

Who are you praying for today? Leave a name or names in the comments and let's agree together.

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

Andy H boosted

Please pray for a 25 year old partially bedridden person. Her father was a Pastor.
Mother working to support her, so daytime she is alone. Please pray for her to be completely healed.

Andy H boosted

Brother Farzad is a true hero of the faith.

He and his teams feed 35,000 to 40,000 refugees twice daily for the last few years in a war-torn nation in the Mid-East. Farzad goes into closed nations with the Truth of Jesus' love, demonstrating our Father's heart and winning many of Arab backgrounds to Jesus as Savior. When the world abandoned Afghanistan,,Farzad went in joyfully with the Good News. He goes into other nations where westerners can not go. Here he shares first-hand, amazing testimonies of many coming to Jesus. Contact the office for more information. You can donate and help today by going to Call 704-225-3927 or email

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Robert Morrison was the first Protestant missionary ever sent to China, and the first to complete a full translation of The Bible in Chinese. It cost him everything. He lost friends and loved ones, buried two children, a wife, and eventually died on the mission field, thousands of miles away from the land of his birth.

Robert Morrison: Bury Me in China out TODAY! 🔥

Andy H boosted

@bethany I deeply appreciate your sharing this at this crucial time for the Church at large!!! 1 PERER 1:13 states the need to decide now and prepare! The Church in America is under informed and in prepared! God forgive us I pray!

Andy H boosted

Part of a letter written by a Rwandan believer before he was killed, 1980.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
hesitate in the presence of adversity,
negotiate at the table of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity,
or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
I must go until Heaven returns,
give until I drop,
preach until all know,
and work until He comes.
And when He comes to get His own,
He will have no problem recognizing me.
My colors will be clear.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Such an important and heartbreaking story - 100k Christians JUST lost their homeland

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted

Saw him speak here at Calvary Chapel Honolulu years ago & been wondering what he was up to since.

‘Enough of this’: Hamas co-founder’s son speaks out - YouTube,

Andy H boosted

From an older time when the written word was much more rare and more revered than in our info-saturated time. From a slower and more contemplative time and age when books were handicrafted, written, not just rushed out:

Back To Jerusalem:

"The Terrible Red Dwarf": 200 Years Old Gospel Story Comes Back To Life!

Andy H boosted

Bibles delivered !
Few more consignments reached the needy believers and several non-believing professionals (who paid for it).
They were safely hidden under another export/import consignment.
(Representative pictures).
Thank you for praying 🙏

Andy H boosted

A businessman friend is applying for permits this week. Mr. Long hand is very active in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Andy H boosted
Andy H boosted
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